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babice June 7, 2012 08:06 PM

[QUOTE=Sandhillstiger;281063] I put out about 120 lbs of lime to achieve a 6.0. With this, I really don't think the acidity is a problem. [/QUOTE]

Sandshill - mehbe the lime hasn't had a chance to take a hold yet? When did you put it out? Can you send pics and/or a sample to your cuz to i.d. the issue?

b54red June 8, 2012 06:28 AM

Have you checked closely for spider mites? They hit early here this year and can cause all kind of problems with the leaves and stunt a plants growth. If they get bad enough they can kill the plants.

If it is not spider mites then why not try a couple of experiments on different plants. Feed one of the plants a gallon of Miracle Grow Plant Food mixed full strength which is a tablespoon to a gallon of water. You might also want to put in a tablespoon or two of molasses in the water also. In two days you should see some results from the fertilizer either good or bad.

You could also try putting a hand full of quick lime sprinkled around another plant and watering it in well. That will raise the ph around that one plant and see if that has any results one way or the other.

If neither of these treatments help and you don't have spider mites then you may be dealing with some type of virus.

Sandhillstiger June 8, 2012 09:10 AM

[QUOTE=b54red;281224]Have you checked closely for spider mites? They hit early here this year and can cause all kind of problems with the leaves and stunt a plants growth. If they get bad enough they can kill the plants.

If it is not spider mites then why not try a couple of experiments on different plants. Feed one of the plants a gallon of Miracle Grow Plant Food mixed full strength which is a tablespoon to a gallon of water. You might also want to put in a tablespoon or two of molasses in the water also. In two days you should see some results from the fertilizer either good or bad.

You could also try putting a hand full of quick lime sprinkled around another plant and watering it in well. That will raise the ph around that one plant and see if that has any results one way or the other.

If neither of these treatments help and you don't have spider mites then you may be dealing with some type of virus.[/QUOTE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I haven’t noticed any spider mites. I had some on my plants last year but I never had plants like this. I'll be fertilizing the plants tomorrow morning with Compost Tea I'm making. I use a combination of chicken manure (two fists full), Black Kow (two fists full), and worm castings (two fists full) wrapped in panty hose. I seep this mixture in 30 gallons of water (I have nearly 120 plants). I applied a half cup of molasses to this tea yesterday and at application, will apply an ounce of Neptune fish/seaweed 2-3-1 for every gallon I apply. I'm also thinking about adding some Ortho anti-fungal liquid to the tea. [/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]What does the molasses do for the tomatoes? I know it creates millions of good bacteria. I’ll post some more pictures today. As I said earlier, I have plants that are really doing well. I also prune my plants up to almost 18 inches from the ground. Thanks for your help.[/FONT][/SIZE]

Sandhillstiger June 9, 2012 12:11 AM

More pictures
6 Attachment(s)
Here are some pictures of plants that surround one of these "problem" plants. The first is the bad plant.

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