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missionrandy January 20, 2007 07:56 PM


[B]Orange-1 (Seed from Andrey)[/B]

Andrey_BY January 21, 2007 06:11 AM

That fruit on the left looks much bigger than average for Orange-1 variety. Great results, Randy!

Did you grow it indoor or outdoor? :wink:

Tania January 21, 2007 12:01 PM

Hi Randy - good to see you posting here - welcome to T-ville! :D

Very nice pictures!

missionrandy January 21, 2007 01:44 PM

Hi Andrey:

The Orange #1 was grown outdoors in large pots.
Very nice taste for a orange tomato, grows well too.
This year I wish to grow this one in our main garden.
It deserves a place!

missionrandy January 21, 2007 01:45 PM

Thanks Tania!

I will post many other images from another hard drive in a few days...


Andrey_BY July 11, 2007 01:52 PM

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This year I'm gonna have a massive production from one plant of Orange-1 grown indoor. Fruits are in much bigger scale than outdoor definately!

carolyn137 July 11, 2007 07:15 PM

I too like Orange-1 and the plants are always loaded up with fruits. And my experience was that they were all pretty much the same size.

Randy, since I have no way of knowing the size of those fruits that you show, I can't say that one is abnormally large. I can say that mine, as grown outside, were almost all of the same size with no differential like that.


missionrandy July 12, 2007 01:30 AM

Hi Carolyn,

Orange 1 were grown in three large pots last year, one pot had a organic mix of kelp, manure, peatmoss and top soil.
The others had only topsoil, peatmoss and abit of manure.
The potted mix with the kelp grew stronger plants and a few larger tomato's than the rest. All tasted the same though!

Take care,

[quote=carolyn137;65815]I too like Orange-1 and the plants are always loaded up with fruits. And my experience was that they were all pretty much the same size.

Randy, since I have no way of knowing the size of those fruits that you show, I can't say that one is abnormally large. I can say that mine, as grown outside, were almost all of the same size with no differential like that.


missionrandy July 12, 2007 01:31 AM

Hey Andrey,

Nice pics!

Take care,

Andrey_BY July 12, 2007 03:12 AM

Next week I'm gonna visit our Institute of Vegetable Gardening and their greenhouses and will have some talks with the originator of Orange-1 Leonid Mishin their chief for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants ;) Lately he said he has spend more than 5 years to develope Orange-1 from different tomato lines from Moldova. Very well done, Leonid :)

Tomstrees July 12, 2007 09:05 AM

Looks great. I can't wait to see this one color up !

Good growing !

~ Tom

elkwc36 July 22, 2007 01:16 AM

I will say my Orange 1 is very hardy. The hail beat it up terrible and broke the top almost all the way out. I trimmed it up and almost pulled it. For a week I was 2nd guessing myself but really wanted to save some seeds from it. It has recovered and suckered out and starting to really grow and load up. Very impressive so far. Jay

Andrey_BY July 22, 2007 04:02 AM

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Yes, it is very hardy both outdoor and indoor. And it seems to be giving me a record-breaking (for this variety) fruits this year (about 300-400 g on the first cluster)! 8)

PNW_D July 22, 2007 10:09 AM

And from last summer - makes a great marmalade too


blatanna July 23, 2007 07:05 PM

Hi PNW, wondering if you could post the recipe for the marmalade please, It looks yummy. :)

PNW_D July 23, 2007 08:13 PM

[FONT=Times New Roman]Old-Fashioned Tomato Marmalade[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman](from Put a Lid on It!)[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]5 cups coarsely chopped peeled Orange-1 tomatoes (about 2 ½ lbs)[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman]2 large organic oranges[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman]1 organic lemon[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman]4 cups granulated sugar[/FONT]
[LIST][*][FONT=Times New Roman]Place tomatoes in a large stainless steel or enamel saucepan.[/FONT][/LIST][LIST][*][FONT=Times New Roman]Halve and seed oranges and lemon. Finely chop fruit in food processor or blender and add to tomatoes. Bring mixture to a full boil over high heat. Slowly add sugar, stirring until sugar is completely dissolved. Return to a boil and boil rapidly until mixture will form a gel, about 1 hour, stirring frequently. Remove from heat.[/FONT][/LIST][LIST][*][FONT=Times New Roman]Ladle into sterilized jars and process (Shorter Time Processing Procedure – 5 minutes) [/FONT][URL=""][FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#0000cc][/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/URL][/LIST][FONT=Times New Roman]Makes about 6 cups[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman]Variation: Gingered Tomato Marmalade: Add 3 tbsp finely chopped peeled gingerroot during cooking.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Orange-1 is the perfect tomato for this marmalade – very few seeds, nice and meaty, with a beautiful colour!![/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman]Use organic citrus if possible.[/FONT]

squibT July 29, 2007 01:09 AM

Hi all,

Where would I get Orange-1 seeds from? I cant seem to find them listed at SSE or other seed sources. Sounds like a really good choice for me for next year....

Andrey_BY July 29, 2007 03:52 AM

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squibT, I'm the original source of Orange-1 for foreign gardeners outside Belarus. So we can make a seedtrade later in autumn if you'd like.
Alternatively you CAN find it listed in SSE Yearbook 2007 in TOMATO YELLOW-ORANGE section

Here is what we have (the largest Orange-1 fruit is about 300 g and it is almost ripe)

squibT July 29, 2007 04:03 AM

Wow...great looking crop Andrey,

I would like to trade some seeds in the fall...thanx. I guess I could not find Orange-1 on the SSE site because I am not a member and cant see all the seed offerings?
Sounds like a great tomato. I hope to grow a few next year....


Andrey_BY July 29, 2007 04:12 AM

Yes, squibT, you can't find Orange-1 seeds just because it is available only from SSE members via SSE Yearbooks which you can have an access to if you will join SSE ;)

OK, let's have a trade later in autumn...

Andrey_BY August 2, 2007 04:41 PM

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Finally got ripe Orange-1 tomatoes on July 31. One of them was a really large for this variety - 360 g! Usually Orange-1 bears 100-200 g fruits so this was a great surprise for me and for Leonid Mishin from our Belarusian Institute of Vegetable Gardening who has developed this variety... The taste is exceptional as well - not too sweet with a lot of juice as I like ;)

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