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kateland3 February 28, 2007 09:17 AM

opalka from TGS
i've been lurking here for a while, but this is my first post. i started my seeds about 2 weeks ago, and all my varieties have come up except for this one. i purchased all my seeds from TGS, so i'm very happy with their service and product, however, this one variety has given me problems.

they were started the same way as all my others, at the same time with all my others. i planted upwards of 15-20 seeds, and not one has sprouted! has anyone else had problems with this year's batch of opalka?

(i use bottom heat, very loose saran wrap, and some fancy soil starting mix)


dcarch February 28, 2007 11:46 AM

There could be as much as three to four week's wait between the first and the last to sprout.



nctomatoman February 28, 2007 11:56 AM

Glad you posted - welcome from a fellow NCer! Seems like each year this or that variety gives me a problem - I have my 50 cell pack, use what should be good seed and one cell is a dud. Strangely, sometimes if I replant the seed (not in the same cell, of course), it does manage to germinate (for whatever reason I planted a cell too deep, or who knows what - maybe the cat stepped in it) - but more often than not it is just bad seed. Give it another try, and as said above, the occasional planting of tomato can be slow (but Opalka should not germinate any slower than any other variety). I can also send you a few good seeds if you like. or you can get a seedling from me this spring (I have about 25 seed that germinated).

tylenol February 28, 2007 12:08 PM

Welcome to T'Ville,
I had the same thing happen last year with the same source, same variety. I didn't contact them, but I'm sure they'll make good on the inconvienence. TGS has been a great source for me.

kateland3 February 28, 2007 07:13 PM

thanks for the encouragement! i'm planning on replanting, i just wanted to know if anyone else had the same problem!! i won't toss the ones that haven't sprouted, but i definitely would like to have them, so i'll try again!

craig, i got some seedlings from you last year at your house, after mine were damaged by the hail. my originals came back, and i ended up with 24 (!) plants for just my husband and i.


landarc March 2, 2007 12:09 AM

I have had the same experience as Craig, the odd cell just doesn't happen. It is happening again this year. Gonna give it a little more time.

Fert1 March 8, 2007 08:07 PM

Same variety, same source - same crappy results. I have to agree with Rob, that usually they are very good to work with as a general rule, and that is where I usually get most of my seed. It sounds like they just had a bad batch for some reason.

I've replanted. I had 2 sprout from the first seeds I planted, but the ones that came up seemed sickly and died after a couple of days. I planted a bunch this time around. Hopefully, I will at least get a few viable seedlings.

You are definitely not the only one having the problem though. It happens, even under the best of conditions.

caascher2 March 8, 2007 08:53 PM

I planted Opalka from TGS and mine germinated fine. I did order the seed this year however. I was a bit concerned after reading this thread but it is growing well. Took about 1 week for it to germinate.

Fert1 March 13, 2007 11:17 PM

My second sowing of Opalka is not going much better than the first. A couple have popped up, but they don't look healthy. Instead of being a nice healthy green, they are yellow, not just pale green but yellow. I suspect they won't make it. That batch of seed almost had to somehow get contaminated.

I'm having the same problem with some seed I fermented myself, Blue Ridge Mtn. After tasting that one, I was eager to try it, but at the rate things are going I may not be able to this time around.

I may have to purchase some different Opalka seed next year and give it a try. I've started some Amish Gold seed, which I suspect is going to wind up being my paste tomato for this year. Bummer! I was looking forward to trying Opalka. I'd heard such good things about it. Amish Gold is good too though. I got to try that one at a tasting last year. Yummy!

Linda March 16, 2007 04:01 PM


Like Carol I ordered fresh seed for this planting season. I planted 3 seeds and they all germinated. One plant went to a sibling, another to a coworker and I kept the third. If I recall correctly, they didn't germinate as quickly as some of the others but they were still up within 10 days. My plant looks very healthy.


kateland3 March 17, 2007 10:20 AM

i planted the rest of my opalka seeds (ordered fresh in 2007, so that shouldn't be the problem), and still nothing. i've been waiting almost 2 weeks for the second batch. guess opalka is a wash this year. oh well!


feldon30 March 17, 2007 02:34 PM

Did you plant VERY shallow? Like put the seed on top of the soil and then arrange a few strands of peat moss and then spritz it with a water bottle?

Fert1 March 20, 2007 11:03 PM

Looks like there may be hope for my Opalkas this year after all. I put the sickly looking things out in the sun and ... they changed color from a sickly yellow to a healthy green. I had kept them in a window, but real, full sunlight made a big difference. I was a little worried about sunscald, but it's early enough not to be too intense just yet. Saved by the sun!

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