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Nan_PA_6b August 19, 2017 12:43 PM

Early, Single-Crop Determinates
I'm thinking of adding an early, single-crop determinate next year to kick-start my tomato processing. Something that will produce and get out of the way before the indets turn into monsters. I'm going for tonnage so something larger than 4 oz fruit is best. As far as taste goes, we like them fairly intense. Something that tastes comparable to Early Girl is fine; I can get a good sauce or soup from such a one.

Any suggestions?

Also, I'm considering these, but don't know if they are single croppers, does anyone know:

Bush Early Girl II f1
dwarf arctic rose
EM champion
Mountain Glory f1

Thanks in advance,

Gardeneer August 19, 2017 10:41 PM

I have grown Legend few times. It is not early.
I recommend [B]Siletz[/B] . It is early , compact and has fruit size of about 6 oz.

Another one is [B]Silvery Fir Tree.[/B] It is even earlier than Siletz with the same fruit size but on the acidic side. And it is even more compact and prolific.

Nan_PA_6b August 19, 2017 11:25 PM

[QUOTE=Gardeneer;661054]I have grown Legend few times. It is not early.
I recommend [B]Siletz[/B] . It is early , compact and has fruit size of about 6 oz.

Another one is [B]Silvery Fir Tree.[/B] It is even earlier than Siletz with the same fruit size but on the acidic side. And it is even more compact and prolific.[/QUOTE]

Do Siletz and SFT set their fruit all at once?


rwouhaybi August 21, 2017 12:53 AM

I second the recommendations of SFT and Siletz. Siletz does set everything at once usually for me, SFT takes few weeks to be done but is tastier in my opinion. I also like Willamette and Taxi (if you would like a yellow one).

Nan_PA_6b August 21, 2017 04:19 PM

Thank you all for the suggestions! Now I have some contenders to consider!


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