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bbjm March 25, 2007 10:33 PM

Florescent Bulb Questions??
I have a perfect spot to start seeds under a light on top of my fridge. The fixture is a can light, with a flood type light in it. My question: Can I buy a florescent bulb and stick that in there? What do I need to look for in a bulb? Will any florescent bulb work?

I have a florescent shop light (two bulbs, 24 inches or so). I just really don't want to rig something up to make that work if I can figure this can light thing out. My seedlings on top of the fridge would stay out of the way. I could even put a little fan up there.

Sorry if this question has been answered. I tried to do a little search, but had no luck.

feldon30 March 25, 2007 10:43 PM

Seedlings in a rectangular tray are going to try to reach towards the light coming out of that round can light. And would you be able to raise the seedlings up so they are no more than 2 inches from the light bulb?


bbjm March 25, 2007 11:12 PM

Well crud. Hadn't thought about them reaching for the light source and forgot about the 2 inch thing. Guess I'll rig something up in the garage. Thanks.

dcarch March 25, 2007 11:15 PM

[quote=bbjm;51695]I have a perfect spot to start seeds under a light on top of my fridge. The fixture is a can light, with a flood type light in it. My question: Can I buy a florescent bulb and stick that in there? What do I need to look for in a bulb? Will any florescent bulb work?
I have a florescent shop light (two bulbs, 24 inches or so). I just really don't want to rig something up to make that work if I can figure this can light thing out. My seedlings on top of the fridge would stay out of the way. I could even put a little fan up there.---------
- [/quote]
By "can light" do you mean regular screw-in bulb socket? If so you may need a compact fluorescent bulb of 85w (not 85w equivalent) or more daylight (5000k). these bulbs are expensive. You should consider 48" fluorescent shoplight type fixtures. Two-tube 24" would not give you enough light to start too many seedlings.


peppereater March 26, 2007 11:34 AM

Keep in mind that you don't need the extra heat of the fridge after germination. Light is the critical element.

bbjm April 1, 2007 05:14 PM

I gave up on the 'fridge idea and placed them in a south facing window and things are looking great. All are up except my peppers. I have heat under them and hope they will come up soon. Thanks for the feedback.

garnetmoth April 2, 2007 07:36 AM

congrats! This is my 2nd year trying pepper seeds in earnest, and theyre actually looking pretty OK!

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