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BR May 29, 2007 11:54 AM

Lost Identity
Anyone know of a variety with the intitials K A?

Worth1 May 30, 2007 05:08 PM

Just so you don't get the idea that we are all a bunch of jerks for not responding to you.:D

I looked at the TGS site and could not find a thing.
Where did you get the seeds and what part of OK are you from?
I use to live in south east OK in the mountains, in a forest.:)


RDUN May 30, 2007 05:47 PM

I looked at the TGS website as well as other places...

My only thoughts were possibly:


or perhaps the "A" is really a "B" and it's

"Kellog's Breakfast"

Granny May 30, 2007 07:03 PM

Kellogg's Breakfast was my first thought too - mainly because we had about 20 germinate, they all lived & I got very tired of writing all that every time I potted them all. They now all say roughly KB or Kell or something like that - in blue sharpie on a red cup, LOL.

lumierefrere May 30, 2007 07:21 PM

Are you sure it's a K? I have an RA--Robson Angolan.

BR May 30, 2007 07:25 PM

I've decided it's likely Kellogs Breakfast. The Sun bleached some of my labels when I put them out side. I cut some aluminum strips from coke cans to hang on the cages so that doesn't happen again. Thanks for the replys!

BR June 5, 2007 11:32 AM

I believe my thinking on Kellog's Breakfast was incorrect. I now think it was the last two letters in OPALKA. I'll know for sure when the fruit arrives.

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