It's not so much the production (tho the shipping would add a lot to the cost) but like he said "registration".
Actually since my hubby worked for 20 years in the fertilizer biz, I think Cam may be be mis-understanding the laws. As best as I understood them, only fertilizers that had some pesticide type chemical added to the formula needed to be registered. ex - things like "Weed & Feed". I'm not familiar with that product so I don't know if there is anything in Tomaten Dunger that would require registration.
The company my husband worked for is known as a "blender" and came up with custom formulas on the fly for customers. They wouldn't have been able to do that if every formula had to be registered.
Of course there could be different rules when importing is involved. I know there were all kinds of hoops that had to be jumped thru when they exported something to Taiwan.
If Tomaten Dunger is just a special formula, possibly it could be produced here in the USA under license.