Wow - you certainly know what you're doing! Check out what Fusion Power posted for you (he's one of those pros I was referring to). I was looking at figure #7 in the attached PDF and it certainly does look like Fusarium Wilt as Fusion Power suggested. I don't know what to recommend for you, though, to get rid of it/deal with it. 95 degree temps during the day are tough but it sounds like you've been doing this a while and know what you're doing (i.e., have been successful in the past with those temps)? Maybe as Fusion suggested, the soil in this spot has Fusarium Wilt in it?
ooops - didn't attach PDF - will do that in next reply as I don't know I can do that in an already-posted-reply
Last edited by babice; June 6, 2012 at 10:43 PM.
Reason: fixing