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Old June 6, 2012   #11
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Alabama
Posts: 643

Originally Posted by Sandhillstiger View Post
...I'm just frustrated because I've replaced so many plants while the majority of may garden in pumping out fruit on very healthy plants. I am just afraid that this nasty stuff will spread.

I hear you man. I'd certainly be frustrated too and worrying that I should pull these and the ones around them. My tom-newbie, gardening-for long-time instincts are telling me you should pull these and the ones in the area and be sure to either throw them away or isolate them from the ones you say are producing well. (You said you have stuff producing well...I'm assuming that includes some toms?) BUT, man. I want some of the pros to chime in for you. They are probably all out in their gardens right now but check in regularly.

Is this the first year you put toms into this spot? Sounds like it from what you posted. You have really done your homework from what you wrote so major kudos to you. I wish I could recommend possibly the last resort bleach spray I've seen folks post about....but I just don't know anything about Fusarium Wilt.

See if you can get a close-up pic of those spots so when the pros check in they can look at that for you. What say you?
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