I have one row of 18 different heirloom varieties, all planted at the same time, and Anna Maria's Heart is the early winner by far. Fruit set is so prolific that it rivals Big Beef. The plant pictured below was planted two weeks after my high tunnel big beef, and it's giving Big Beef a run for being the first big ripe tomato.
(Pic was too big, here's the link:
http://i.imgur.com/mkhlXAS.jpg )
I had thought it would be safe to assume that a hybrid would outperform an heirloom, and a high tunnel plant would outperform an outdoor garden plant, but this variety is turning those assumptions on their heads.
Assuming the flavor is at least tolerable, which I can only assume it will be, I'm saving seeds from this plant, and it will be my heirloom to grow for market next year. I'm even going to plant a few in the high tunnel to see how they do.
Tatiana's page says this variety was introduced by someone named Carolyn Male. Does anyone know who that is???
(just kidding, Carolyn, thank you for introducing such a fine tomato)