Thread: opalka from TGS
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Old February 28, 2007   #3
TomatovilleŽ Moderator
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Glad you posted - welcome from a fellow NCer! Seems like each year this or that variety gives me a problem - I have my 50 cell pack, use what should be good seed and one cell is a dud. Strangely, sometimes if I replant the seed (not in the same cell, of course), it does manage to germinate (for whatever reason I planted a cell too deep, or who knows what - maybe the cat stepped in it) - but more often than not it is just bad seed. Give it another try, and as said above, the occasional planting of tomato can be slow (but Opalka should not germinate any slower than any other variety). I can also send you a few good seeds if you like. or you can get a seedling from me this spring (I have about 25 seed that germinated).
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