Thread: opalka from TGS
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Old March 13, 2007   #9
Fert1's Avatar
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Upstate SC, Zone 7
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My second sowing of Opalka is not going much better than the first. A couple have popped up, but they don't look healthy. Instead of being a nice healthy green, they are yellow, not just pale green but yellow. I suspect they won't make it. That batch of seed almost had to somehow get contaminated.

I'm having the same problem with some seed I fermented myself, Blue Ridge Mtn. After tasting that one, I was eager to try it, but at the rate things are going I may not be able to this time around.

I may have to purchase some different Opalka seed next year and give it a try. I've started some Amish Gold seed, which I suspect is going to wind up being my paste tomato for this year. Bummer! I was looking forward to trying Opalka. I'd heard such good things about it. Amish Gold is good too though. I got to try that one at a tasting last year. Yummy!
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