Most importantly, do you think the problem with the seeds is the source (Sandhill) or growing medium (Jiffy mix)?
Hi Angelique, I've always gotten good germination from Sandhill seeds, so I think it is the mix, especially when you said Jiffy Mix.
When I tried Jiffy Mix from Walmart, my seeds did not come up for 10 days, so I started another set of seeds from the exact same seed packs, including some from Sandhill and other sources, but this time I used regular Gardener & Bloome planting mix, and added some perlite. This is not a seed starting mix, but it has always worked fine for me, and cheaper than seed starting mix.
Seeds came up right away. I left the Jiffy Mix seeds alone, and eventually some of the seeds came up, but my records showed some took 3 or more weeks.
The Jiffy Mix was turning green. I think it packs too tight. If you use this again, I would mix in some perlite to to loosen up the mix.