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Old March 22, 2007   #12
gardenmama's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: zone 7b/8a SE VA
Posts: 268

I have found that 9 oz size disposable white plastic drinking cups make great labels for seed flats. I pinch the cup together until the rim cracks in two, then keep pinching until I have 12-16 cracks around the rim. These cracks extend easily with a tug and soon I have a nice sunburst (or very leggy spider as my daughter calls it). A few snips with the scissors to cut each spider leg into 2 pieces and I now have 24-32 2" long labels. They are the right size to fit in my 20 row seeds starting flat and easily fit under the dome lids as well. The added advantage is that they are extremely cheap, so you can label every cell if you use a 72 cell (12 x 6-pack) Jiffy system.

Sorry I can't post a pic or two, I'm in TN helping my parents pack up their home of 29 years as they get ready to move to a Senior Living community. DH is on seedling watch until I return Sat afternoon. He had an intense 30 minute lesson on monitoring germination, proper misting of the newly germinated and most importantly, petting of the 2 week old seedlings. I had just sown the 2 batch of seeds, and transplanted 1/2 of the original sowing (about 500 17 day old seedlings), prior to leaving yesterday, so he has lots to keep him busy!!
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