Yes Carolyn - the foliage is "fused" where "cots" are
(very weird looking cot. leaves, even for "stick") and yes - they are conjoined twins at the top ...
Ahhh, nature never fails to amaze me ,,, will def. give it my best shot to see if I can nab a pic -
Its in the middle of my seed cells, so kindof hard to get the digi cam to focus in on just one ... maybe when I transplant >
IF there are "true leaves" and we get to the "next level" ~
((fingers crossed))
By the way ... I'm real serious about that "tomato package" out to you this summer ((convo @ GW)) ~
Worth -
Toms Amarillo Grande is how we could market it in TX ~
Let me know what you want to go with ~
Anything but "Yankee Yellow" is fine ~ lol ~
Glad to hear you found em ... Pretty sure you have one of the "first batches" (very early in seed sharing) to have ever gone out ...
Gosh, those were the days ~ I think you got them as Large Yellow right ?
Anywho ,,, hope you enjoy...
~ Tom