Mark....I laughed at your story, because it brought back memories....when my oldest daughter was about 15 mos., she was on our sun porch and snapped off a couple of tomato seedlings...I think she tripped and fell on them. I instantly snapped and grabbed her and put her in the house...My husband watched , and was a little shocked (and disgusted) at my reaction...I had been starting seedlings much longer than I had had children and well the adjustment was tough...
Luckily, my oldest are now 9 and 5 and very good little gardeners...They know to NEVER play rough or throw balls near the seedlings...I give them each their own container plant and they always know the names of all the varieties on the patio (often 20 plus). I do have a son who is 3 ,and as a one year old, he removed many plant markers for me...He is better now, and I tape the variety name on the containers too. Never let a small child witness you pulling weeds, they will later mimic it ...I get them started on dirt building on the other side of the garden , and then do my work....