Thanks! Right now everything, what's left of it, is still in the original packs. I do have a lot of the small ziplock bags that I can try. Someone said to put them in the refrigerator, but I'm not so sure about that.
My results were many times better this year than last on raising seedlings. Last year was a bomb. This year I had perfect stands of some, and in the next compartment of 9 cells I might not have but one to come up. Same soil, same environment, same planting technique, etc. Seems Porterhouse was one of those. Some did really good, and you are right about some out-growing others.
I have nearly 70 planted in raised beds so far. I have a drawing identifying each spot and variety! And I put some tags out again by them. I planted about 100 more seeds today in the way described above, and will do about 50 more, and that will be it. I'm trying some more NAR and the SUdduth strain BW. I wish I had an easy way to grow 150 more (why? I have no idea! lol) but there is just so much pruning and staking and tying with that many. They say Carolyn's sprawl method doesn't work good here in humid climes. Maybe I'll give them away.
You aren't too far away in KY. Do you have seedlings up and growing now?
Zone 7B, N. MS