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Old May 4, 2007   #1
jerseyjohn61's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Central New Jersey Z/6
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Default Anyone else have seedling trouble with Stump OTW?

In the last two years, I have planted 12 Stump Of The
World, and have nothing to show for it. Last year, 5 of 8
germinated in four separate cells. 3 died because they
could not lose their shells. Lost the other 2 after they had
grown to just about an inch and a 1/4. Stems were weak
and the Coty leaves were sad.

This year, only 1 of 4 have germinated. And that one may
not make it throught this night. Its' stem is as thin as a mechanical pencil's lead, despite it being nearly 3/4 of an
inch long. I've been wetting it, but it can't lose its' shell
and it may just give up before it decapitates itself.

Has anyone else been through this???
All my others are hitting very well...JJ61
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