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Old June 11, 2007   #13
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: houston texas
Posts: 7

It was my idea to look into heirlooms (but I thought Golden Girl was one).
There was a great article in our paper at the end of May on heirlooms and then the next week, I received my bags of veggies! He was most proud of his tomatoes, which he should be, and my thought process on a gift "stemmed" from there.
I also researched tomato books at Amazon and the best reviews were on Carolyn's book, so I ordered one-should be here this evening-can't wait! Sounds like I got lucky on my selection!
Then I started googling for seeds and found myself here!
Since I really didn't know what to give as a thank you, I thought something a little special and different would be appreciated.
Anyway, thank you for your time and help-it is greatly appreciated!!!
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