Originally Posted by mdvpc
Carolyn-Assume you have been watching the Championships-Saw Serena lose today, missed Venus' match and saw Nadal win. Some good matches.
Anyway, I am going to save seed from my bucks and grow out to see what happens.
Hope you are doing well.
I'm watching every darn match that ESPN2 and NBC televise.
This AM was terrific, especially Nadal coming back from two sets down to win. And Baghdatis is always a fave. Now awaiting yet another rain delay and then at noon NBC does the Roddick match. Feder is on now against Ferrero.
How am I doing?
I've had it.

I'm sick of not being able to do anything, all the folks who come here for this and that, I mean the County folks plus the two ladies I had to hire. I've cut back their hours b'c I wanted to.
I am NOT accustomed to having other folks around me all the time.
But if you could have just seen me trying to balance all the newspapers from the week on my lap in the wheelchair and driving one handed and steering with my feet, I think you would have laughed a lot.
Some unresolved issues but I do have an appt for next Tuesday for yet another X-ray and fingers crossed that I can start going back to my walker but since the muscles in that right leg have gone backward I'm told it will be several weeks berfore I an navigate as before.
To the point, 68 yo non-petite women should not have to one hop after transferring from the wheelchair to the walker to get into the bathroom. I feel like some exotic bird that stand on one leg.
Yes, I know you didn't want to hear all of that, but I'm sitting here waiting for the meals on wheel guy, whoops, here he comes, he plays his radio very loudly.