Thread: Garlic
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Old July 29, 2007   #8
missionrandy's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Fraser Valley, BC, Canada
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Any garlic you have, always remember to sterilize it before planting... That is very, very important, even if you know the source!!!

Planting a garlic clove at this time, will be too late for maturity to take place. Though if you plant the sterilized cloves in the ground come October, you will have your own garlic bulbs next June/July.

To obtain garlic bulbils, you will need to grow Hardneck or Artichoke Garlic! The scapes that are sent up in May will need to be left on the plants until they swell up and mature in late June or early July. The mature bulbil capsuls can be hung on the scape they are attached to, then dried in a warm, dry, darker location. Then, once October comes, you can plant the tiny bulbils in a marked area of soil in your garden or in a grow box.

The bulbils will grow to be small garlic rounds or bulbs after one season. The second season these bulbs or cloves will get larger, sometimes reaching full size in good conditions. Some varieties take up to four seasons to become full size Garlic. Though these Garlic will be fully adapted and climitized to your location! Even able to resist many diseases...

Grow your own! Tomatoes that is...
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