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General discussion regarding the techniques and methods used to successfully grow tomato plants in containers.

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Old 3 Weeks Ago   #1
Jeannine Anne
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Default Need help with promix

Someone kindly offered to pick me up some very large bales of mix which I was very grateful for, however it is not the one I usually buy and I am unsure about it, I cannot return it, The one I usually get, sorry I forget it's name is complete and has fertilizer already in it, apparently the Promix that I was delivered has not

It is to fill very large pots and raised beds to grow tomatoes and other veggies.

Can someone advise me what I need to add to it please. It is Promix HP and I have 4 huge square packed compressed bales of it

Thank you XX Jeannine
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Old 3 Weeks Ago   #2
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I use Promix HP for seed starting. I love it because I'm a bit of an over-waterer, and it doesn't allow my seedlings to get too wet.

It doesn't contain ANY nutrients, so it's up to you to add them. I wait until the first true leaves appear before adding fish emulsion to my seedlings once a week, then I usually pot up to Promix for Herbs and Veg. which has slow-release nutrients in it, so I don't bother adding more until planting out, when I use a mixture of manure/compost in the planting hole.

Since you have rather a lot of the Promix HP, you obviously want to use that for all the seedling stages. You might want to add a decent fertilizer when your plants get bigger. Promix has their own liquid fert which is organic, and I use that in my containers once a week. Cdn Tire carries it. I also buy dehydrated chicken manure in big waxed cartons (from Home Hardware). I sprinkle it around my plants from time to time. It's supposed to deter varmints as well as fertilize .

Last edited by Labradors2; 3 Weeks Ago at 10:51 AM.
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Old 3 Weeks Ago   #3
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You can use any PRO-MIX blend for seed starting. I currently have PRO-MIX Premium Organic Garden Mix and PRO-MIX HPCC (peat moss + chunk coco coir), both work well.. PRO-MIX HP (HIGH POROSITY) is marketed toward greenhouse and indoor container gardening. It contains more perlite than their more general purpose PROMIX BX or PRO-MIX Premium Organic Garden Mix blends.
That's not to say you can't use PRO-MIX HP outdoors, just keep in mind HP will drain a little faster faster, which might be a good thing if you have problems with too much rain.
None of the PRO-MIX blends have more than a small starter charge of fertilizer, so fertilize as you like Jeannine.

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Old 3 Weeks Ago   #4
Jeannine Anne
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Thank you both for the help.

What I would use it for is to replenish the thigh high raised beds in my greenhouse. I have in the past left the old mix in but added the new plus some steer manure and it seemed to work well. I also use the mix to fill very large pots I use outside.

I have general all purpose 444 organic fertilizer, I usually put a small handful in the planting hole. I also have fish emulsion. One of my problems if that keeping the thigh high raised beds damp is not easy, they seem to dry out very fast. If the new mix makes that worse I am in trouble. Hopefully blending it with what is there will be OK. I will get Promix liquid fertilizer from Canadian tire. Thank you.

The other thing I planned on using it for is to grow potatoes in tubs. These tubs are new so I would be using the Promix plus steer manure for them.

As I continue to lose my mobility, it gets harder to mix soil etc so I try not to. The other soil I used to buy was perfect for my needs but I am going to follow your suggestions.

I very much appreciate the help.

XX Jeannine

Last edited by Jeannine Anne; 3 Weeks Ago at 01:19 PM.
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Old 2 Weeks Ago   #5
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Default Promix has good new products

Was amazed at the different products now,no more bugs sticks and lawn debri.
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Old 2 Weeks Ago   #6
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Hi Jeannine,

I too was inspired to re-use potting mix during Covid. I used 1/3rd home-made compost/aged chicken manure with the old mix and it worked so well that I continued to do that with great success. (I'd probably do it again, but my container tomatoes were infested with spider mites last season, so I'd better not!)

I hope you have a great growing season!
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Old 2 Weeks Ago   #7
Jeannine Anne
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Originally Posted by Labradors2 View Post
Hi Jeannine,

I too was inspired to re-use potting mix during Covid. I used 1/3rd home-made compost/aged chicken manure with the old mix and it worked so well that I continued to do that with great success. (I'd probably do it again, but my container tomatoes were infested with spider mites last season, so I'd better not!)

I hope you have a great growing season!
Thank you, I have no bugs but I do have a problem or two. I have to rely on others to bring things to me so sometimes it goes a bit wrong.

My high raised beds were originally half filled with top soil but it was very sandy, so I added potting mix to it almost to the top but the level drops a bit each season so I add new potting soil and steer manure. I would like to get rid of all the soil in them but have no place to put it and there is a great deal of it so amending it is my only choice, Nor do I have a place to compost. I struggle a bit now on my own but I am quite determined to carry on as long as I can, I will be 83 this year so I am doing OK.

I will take a look for the chicken manure online and see if I can get it,

I miss my acreage, with real soil but there it is.

I wish you a great season too,

XX Jeannine
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Old 2 Weeks Ago   #8
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83, Amen!!

You are doing Super Great, Amen!!!
You have been Blessed by God.

It is Funny "What Kurt Said" especially about Sticks in Potting Soil. My Little Kids around here last week helped me shake the Sticks of my "Name Brand Potting Soil".

I do not want to call them out Publicly, Amen!

But the little Sticks prevents the "baby seeds pathway throw their Potting Soil". Causing you time to free them up with your fingers.

But if you had a way of Shacking your Soil throw a stringer to free up the soft soil to place on top; I will work out Fine.
But Hard Work. Amen!!
May God Bless you and my Garden, Amen
MrsJustice as Farmer Joyce Beggs
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