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June 25, 2009 | #1 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Zone 7b in Concord, North Carolina
Posts: 76
Why are my plants turning yellow? (split from mdvpc's "latest disease" topic)
I've posted a few times in mdvpc's topic about problems with what appears to be salt damage. I thought this might be the case for me, too, and I did try one Clearex treatment a week ago. I thought that the yellow had stopped progressing, but within the past couple of days I realized I was wrong.
My hardest hit plant is Carmello, with Marianna's Peace showing a fair amount of leaves yellowing and dying also. I also wondered if it might be herbicide damage-- Carmello not only had the yellowing but also appeared stunted, and my Paul Robeson which was on the same side of the deck as Carmello also appeared stunted (but no real yellowing on that one). My husband sprayed Round Up in our yard about 30 feet from the deck not long before I noted these problems. He's insistent he was very careful to do this on a calm day and I'm sure he was, but I know he can't totally control that the stuff still might drift somewhat anyway. I also think one of our neighbors may have sprayed recently as well. However, Marianna is on the opposite side of the deck, and except for the yellowing, appears fine-- no stunting, and setting fruit like mad. Carmello has set a few fruit, Paul Robeson has set none. At this point I'm at a total loss. Overwatering? Underwatering? Disease? Salt Damage? Too much or too little fertilizer? I just hate seeing the Carmello looking so sickly, and I'd rather not lose the plant. I'm going to attach pictures and see if anyone out there has any ideas or suggestions. The ones that appear darker were taken early this morning, and the lighter ones this evening. Most of the pics are of Carmello and Marianna's Peace, and I'm also attaching one of Paul Robeson. In the morning pic Marianna, you can see how well it's been setting fruit. I'm mainly including the one of Paul Robeson to show what I think is stunting. I'm growing in coir in grow bags and used Plant-tone initially when I set out the plants, and have alternated Plant-tone and Tomato Maker to top dress. Also have watered a few times with fish emulsion and liquid seaweed added to the water. Any thoughts??? Any questions or if more detailed/close up pics are needed, ask away, please! P.S. I also have Goose Creek and so far it seems okay, but has only set a couple fruit. No significant yellowing or stunting, though. |