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Old June 28, 2010   #1
shlacm's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Central VA
Posts: 436
Default My Tomatoes

I'm going to try to post the pictures I took today...

I have 19 plants, all different, the weather here has been AWFUL for the last couple weeks: in the 90's with very high humidity.

Arkansas Traveler & Clint Eastwood's Rowdy Red:
arkT RR.jpg

Ark Traveler hasn't been growing like the others and has only produced one bloom, but it set fruit:

Rowdy Red seems to curl its leaves at the slightest provocation and the new leaves (seen at the top of the pic) look very odd to me... but it has one tomato, some blooms and seems to be doing well:

Here are my Mr. Stripey and Cherokee Purple. The Cherokee Purple has taken FOREVER to start doing ANYTHING, but is starting to grow now and is even getting some blooms.
MrS ChPurp.jpg

Here is my German Johnson (PL), it's one of only 2 plants that are actually in the ground... it looks rather unhealthy to me, but growing and trying to produce...
GJ PL.jpgGJ PL2.jpg

And the other "in ground" plant; my 5 yo's Yellow Pear:

The lowest one in this pic has been there for nearly 3 weeks... not a hint of color yet (other than green):

The YP has over 30 tomatoes on it, here's a bunch near the top:

My Babywine and Opalka:
BW Opalka.jpg

The Babywine is FINALLY setting fruit... seems like its blooms took longer than others' to turn into toms:

I tried to get a pic of the Opalka's blooms that are JUST starting to open, but it didn't turn out. They are VERY different, really long and exotic looking... remind me of the plant from Little Shop of Horrors.

Here's my Early Giant and Mortgage Lifter:
EG MortL.jpg

Early Giant is trying to catch up...

Mortgage Lifter has this SLOWLY growing tomato... hopefully more on their way:

Here are the NAR and Chocolate Stripe:
NAR ChocS.jpg

NAR sulked for a week after transplant, but is doing well:

Choc. Stripe baby... YES, it IS there:

And here (I believe) are my workhorses! Creole and Super Sioux:
Creo SS.jpg

Creole started just after S. Sioux, but has several tomatoes, here are 2 of them:

Super Sioux was one of the first to set fruit, and it seems to plan to do a lot of it, here's a whole truss full!

A couple Hybrids coming along nicely, Country Taste and Summer Cider:
CT SC.jpg

And an itty bitty baby on Country Taste:

Matt's Wild Cherry and Paul Robeson (with 5 yo's giant Zucchini plants in back):
Matt PR.jpg

Here's a Matt's that been around for nearly 3 weeks without a hint of color:

And more Matt's:

And you can just see a Paul Robeson baby:

And here's Legend... the only one doing NOTHING:
The pathetic yellow leaves behind him are Lima Beans... will pull them eventually I guess.

The Mystery babies:

And the 5 yo's (first) Watermelon:
june 25 003.jpg
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