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August 25, 2006 | #1 |
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Buckley, WA
Posts: 54
My Zone4 OP's are showing color...whew
Wow, does it seem like a long time for the first ones to come when you only have later season varieties. Here are the few ripe when I got home today. In this first photo you should see a few you already know and the one on the left is a pink ping pong although it is first one and pretty small one. Put 30 varieties (50 plants) in the ground on Memorial day and now late August I am seeing colors, the next 5 weeks should be real neat...
These are grown in two settings. Most smaller fruited plants were put in half whiskey barrells (14 barrells) Shoot, now that I am looking I guess I still do not have a ripe mater in the raised beds. All types you see above were from barrells and my goodness are they a headache to maintain compared to the raised beds. I do see that the raised beds will have black from tula, caspian pink, black krim ready in the next week. Amazing that the past 3 days we had clouds and highs of 65, but today we got back to the normal 80 and the coloring sure happened today compared to tuesday, wed and thursday... |