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June 5, 2012 | #1 |
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: CA zone9b Sunset15
Posts: 12
Uh oh, looks like I have a systemic wilt
So for the past couple of weeks I've noticed yellowing at the base of some of my plants. I've pretty aggressively trimmed off any effected branches and sprayed some organic copper fungicide several times now. However it doesn't seem to be preventing from popping back up.
I assume I am either dealing with fusarium or virticillium wilt. What does the rest of tomatoville think? The first two pictures are all from the same plant. The third pic is from plant2 and the fourth pic is from plant3. This is probably my third time pruning off effected limbs. If it is one of these wilts should I keep aggressively pruning or just let the wilt do its thing and keep the branches on the plant? Luckily all of my tomato plants seem to be going pretty well, so I'm hoping they can keep ahead of the wilt if I can't do anything about it. Suggestions? |