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July 29, 2013 | #1 |
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Clifton, NJ
Posts: 554
Pics of my 2013 Gardening Season in NJ.
Hello Tomatoville,
Here are some pics of my 2013 gardening season so far here in Clifton, NJ. DavidAustinHeritageRose.jpg David Austin "Heritage" Rose Bush. IMG_9422.jpg Old Rose "Alba Maxima" (aka Jacobite's Rose) blooming. IMG_9424.jpg Unknown Rose variety in my garden. IMG_9400.jpg "Angel Face" Floribunda Rose Bush. IMG_9448.jpg "Golden Marguerite Kelways" aka "Dyer's Chamomile." IMG_9504.jpg Ladybug hanging out on the "Rosita Eggplant" early in the morning. IMG_9505.jpg Ladybug hanging out on the "Rosita Eggplant." IMG_9541.jpg Catepillar on the Dill herb plant. IMG_9546.jpg Catepillar on the Dill herb plant. IMG_9668.jpg Lilies in the garden blooming. IMG_9660.jpg Flowering Stuttgarter Onion in the raised garden bed. IMG_9692.jpg Heirloom "Grandpa Ott's" Morning Glories. IMG_9693.jpg Heirloom "Grandpa Ott's" Morning Glories. IMG_9699.jpg Heirloom "Grandpa Ott's" Morning Glories growing up the wigwam. IMG_9702.jpg David Austin "Heritage" Rose Bush blooming again. IMG_9704.jpg David Austin "Heritage" Rose Bush. IMG_9786.jpg "California Dreamin" Rose Bush. IMG_9788.jpg Bee in the Borage in the wildflower garden area. IMG_9801.jpg Praying Mantis visiting one of the containers. IMG_9802.jpg The Canadian Heirloom "Sophie's Choice" growing in one of my large containers. IMG_9808.jpg David Austin "Heritage" Rose Bush. IMG_9818.jpg "California Dreamin" Rose early in the morning. IMG_9820.jpg Rose of Sharon starting to bloom. IMG_0038.jpg My U-shaped raised herb garden bed (just built it earlier this year in spring, measures 6 ft x 20 ft x 6ft, 10 inches high). Has the following herbs growing in it: Several types of Basil, Italian Flat-Leaf Parsley, Several types of Oregano, French Tarragon, Lemon Verbena, Chives, 2 types of Sage, Lemon Balm, Lime Thyme, several types of mint, Sweet Marjoram, Cilantro, Rosemary, and a Dwarf Curry Plant. IMG_0040.jpg My main raised garden bed. IMG_0045.jpg Alocasia Odora aka Elephant's Ear. IMG_9990.jpg Windowsill of Avocado plants and a golden pothos. IMG_0160.jpg Variegated Mint, Arrowhead Vine, Chocolate Mint, Yucca Plant and two Lemon Plants. IMG_0105.jpg Sweet Pea "High Scent." IMG_0166.jpg Heirloom Kosovo Tomato. IMG_0168.jpg Dwarf Sunflower. More pics coming... ~Alfredo |