August 2, 2013 | #1 |
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 239
found these at the grocery store- ID?
Hi there everyone! I'm just starting on the pepper journey. I've been searching for a few different peppers to grow and just buying fresh peppers for now. I've been buying peppers from our local grocery store, HEB. In the habanero bin, I've watched the peppers change over the past few weeks. At first the peppers looked like little bright orange bell peppers. Over the past week, I found these guys at two different times. The shape is totally different and they are more yellow. I'm thinking these aren't standard habaneros.
IMG_20130802_114742.jpg The ones on the left are about 2 inches long, stem NOT included. They are more than twice as big as the orange habs I saw before. The ones on the right are also strange with that little tail. Here are some up close shots of both types of peppers. IMG_20130802_114827.jpg IMG_20130802_114840.jpg I don't know if you can ID peppers like this. However, if anyone can, I'll bet a Tomatovillian can! I appreciate any help. Christy |