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General discussion regarding the techniques and methods used to successfully grow tomato plants in containers.

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Old February 15, 2014   #16
Ken4230's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Western Ky
Posts: 282
Default I have two "redneck" versions now

Mine are made from a 55 gal. plastic barrel cut in half. The center tube is made from 1/4" hardware cloth set inside a child's sandbox pail. I have used 3 lb. plastic coffee cans before.
I grow mostly lettuce, carrots, green onions.. ect in them. I started out just putting kitchen trimmings, coffee grounds and compost directly in the bottom of the pail. That was a huge mistake, it smelled to high heaven.
Now i fill the pail with 3/4" rock and cover it with weed barrier cloth. That seems to work really well.

I spent several months in a hospital in Japan in the late 60's and got to see some of the ways they garden. They practiced this concept but didn't use a container.
Most of the ones that weren't round usually had a short stone wall holding the soil in. The round ones were built by piling soil up in a big mound around a large pipe. 6" wide x 6" tall was about normal, if i remember right.
There wasn't a bare spot anywhere on the mounds. When they harvested something, they replanted right then.

I use bottomless coffee cans in my raised beds now. Vegie peelings, old cornbread and just about any dry scraps go in the cans and the lids go back on.

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