March 19, 2015
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Long Island NY
Posts: 1,992
Originally Posted by Rairdog
I put the used DE in the microwave for 3-4 minutes in a glass bow when barely damp. Then I check it to 180.
I started over 500 plants in DE so far this year with over 90% germination and no damping off at all. That includes:
Pepper - Cal Wonder, China Giant, Anaheim, Greek pepperochini, Corno di toro, Serano, Orange habanero ( I have 72 super hots germ. now)
Tomato's - Martino Roma, Pineapple, Cherokee Purple (I planted another 72 of various varieties yesterday)
Baby Bok Choi, Muchilini Cabbage, Spinach(2 types), Kale, Chard, Lettuce (4 types), Kohlrabi, Lime Basil, Common Basil and Butterfly weed
Celery was a bit of a problem but it was my fault with moisture.
Here are some random pics. Everything was started in DE except for flowers.
Fig was propagated in DE but is in soiless now with DE topping. The butterfly weed next to it was also started in DE. I am working on Goji Berry now and will try other berry propagation throughout the year.
The BEST is super easy to shake off the DE when you let it dry out for transplanting to my aquaponics system. No more rinsing and soggy roots. There is also less shock. Here a a shot of one of the AP beds. They took off much faster than previous years.
Overall shot of the GH.
Thanks Ray!
Great pics and nice setup!