Originally Posted by ContainerTed
I've looked at this issue and have come to the following conclusion. I really don't have a need for this kind of "perfection". If I think the seeds I have are too infested with these internal seed pathogens, then I'll simply get some seed from a source that doesn't have the problem.
I can't afford and don't have the inclination to perform this kind of heat treatment with its precise temperature controls and all kind of other fusses. It isn't worth my time. Let the so-called professionals do this. I'll put my time to harvesting what mother nature allows me to have. I'll plant extras so that mother nature can have her share.
Fermentation should be adequate for all my needs. I also do a process where I use Comet or whatever other scouring powder I have at the moment to scrub away the gel sacs. I also do a Clorox rinse on seeds coming out of the fermentation process. But, I don't do any of these things all of the time.
It's nice to know this "heat" process in case we need to "save" a variety from extinction. But it is not for me for my everyday use. This is just my lazy "70 years young" opinion. But, I know and respect that you may choose a different view.
Agree with you completely Ted!