Originally Posted by KC.Sun
You can go to the EB site and they will have recommendations on what types of fertilizer to use. So far, I have been using liquid fertilizer for my EB and it seems to work well. I'm using fish emulsion and kelp fertilizers. I use a combination of liquid fertilizers. Some I feed down the tube and some I fertilize from the top, depending on fertilizer.
I chose this option because I grow organic and could not find an option for organic granular fertilizer when I setup my boxes.
I do fertilize more often about every 4-5 days using a weakened solution.
I've heard you can't feed fish emulsion and kelp fertilizer directly down the tube because it will cause sludge buildup.
Earthbox also has a forum you can get some ideas on. But I have heard that they filter their forum so that anything that may not be beneficial to them in terms of sales, are not posted.
Overall, you can forego the fertilizer strip but you will have to watch and fertilize using a liquid solution. One thing to be aware of for your container is to make sure your potting soil is wet or the liquid in your containers reservoir will not wick up.
You might want to be careful if you are using a synthetic fertilizer when fertilizing more often as it might burn the plant.
I will second that statement. Any mention of a negative aspect or another competing product and you may be met with some hostility. It's a shame.