March 17, 2007 | #1 |
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Northern Minnesota - zone 3
Posts: 3,231
Giant Marconi hybrid vs not?
I've grown Giant Marconi hyb from TGS for the last 4 or 5 years, probably since I first saw them in their catalog. They do really well for me, and I can even wait them out until they turn red, not a sure bet with all peppers up north. They are listed as 63 dtm in the catalog, I'm sure mine take a bit longer than that.
I noticed in the Seed Savers Exchange public catalog, they have a sweet pepper listed as Marconi Red, picture and description are similar to the TGS hyb, at 70-90 days. Has anyone grown them side-by-side to see if they are really the same? Or at least grown the SSE Marconi Red and liked it? I'll be starting my peppers this weekend, so probably not enough time to get an order in and back from SSE for this year. Guess I could order anyway and save for next year. |