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Old April 19, 2016   #11
Jeannine Anne
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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I can my chutney finish it off in a water bath which is perfectly safe as the acid balance is fine and it keeps for years. I am by the way VERY particular about canning, in fact I get myself into trouble all the time telling folks they are out of date and taking chanced LOL

Anyway here it is.


You will need, apples, green tomatoes ,onions, sultanas or raisins, sugar, vinegar,
salt ,nutmeg ,curry powder,(an over the counter one will do if you don't make your own)

You will also need vinegar I use malt if I can and pickling spices. Or you an use the already made perfumed vinegar if you have it.

Chop, everything, don't grind it,but crush the garlic.

Then to every 3 cups of chopped tomatoes add...
3 cups chopped apples
3 cups copped onions
1 cup sultanas or raisins
1 tablespoon salt
1/2 tablespoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons curry powder
1 1/2 cups malt vinegar
1/4 cup of pickling spices tied in a muslin square
if you have the already made vinegar use 1 1'/2 cups of that and leave out the spices

Put as many batches as you have measured for in a large pan except for the apples and raisins, pop them in a bit later when the onions are stating to soften so they don't break down .

Simmer gently till everything is soft and there is less liquid

You want to be able to recognize what is in it so don't overcook it the liquid will be mostly absorbed and what is there will be syrupy .Place in sterilized proper canning jars and water bath for 15 minutes.

Then to make the best UK PUB GRUB sandwich called a Ploughmans

No butter on the bread but mayo both sides, then chutney boht sides ,fill with chopped crisp lettuce, thin sliced cucumber, thin sliced tomato, very thin sliced red onion and grated very sharp cheddar cheese. I have yet to find a Canadian or US cheese to match the UK strong cheddar, here can get imported ones. I find the others use a flavoring to "improve" the age of cheese, which isn't used in the UK.. but I think it just may be whatever you are used to

Great sandwich, oh and it goes great with cold cuts, any cheese plate and especially with curries

XX Jeannine

Last edited by Jeannine Anne; April 19, 2016 at 05:24 PM. Reason: spelling
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