February 18, 2011
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I have grown Maris Piper for many years, but none on hand at the present, but maybe I should grow some again.
I have grown Maris Piper crosses done by the industry such as Avalanche, Michigan Purple, and Eden and several more generations down from those. I did not notice any great amount of scab when I grew them in California and now, Washington. I do have a tendency not to grow back scabby potatoes. However, scab is either pitted or surface types and does not matter too much if you are growing potatoes for your own use, however marketers hate scab....as they can't sell 'em.
I have included some links later to offer info on Maris Piper. My own experience is that Maris Piper is a versatile potato, very much so in the UK, but it will never be a super popular potato here in the states. The flavor is pleasant but not what I would call an enhanced flavor, but then again, I am spoiled with so many new creations under trial.
The fact that Maris Piper is a berry maker is one of the reasons I would recommend it to those who are interested in the TPS thing as I am. I have true seed of Zeden a grandchild of Maris Piper and if someone wanted to explore the advanced genetics of Maris Piper...I have Zeden crossed to a variety of colors.
Below are a number of internet links
Maris Piper
Like Desiree, Maris Piper scores 5 on the waxy / floury scale. With its pleasant floury texture it is therefore ideal for many potato dishes from chips and roast potatoes, mash and wedges. Maris Piper is one of the best known and popular potato varieties on sale, with more Maris Piper grown across the UK than any other variety. It is also a great favourite with fish and chip shops because it is so reliable. It has a creamy coloured flesh and although technically its skin is white to yellow in colour, it is regarded as a ‘white’ potato and is widely available. This is a Main Crop variety
Maris Piper is suitable for:- Jacket Potatoes
- Potato Wedges
- Chips
- Boiling
- Roasting
- Mashing
Maris Piper is the most common UK-grown potato variety. (Its in no way exotic!) It is probably the variety that is used for most of the supermarket frozen oven-ready "chips" (fries).
Its a good all-rounder. Fairly floury, but a little firmer than varieties like King Edward that are chosen for baking to a soft, falling-apart (almost self-ricing) interior.
Maris Piper potato seed dominates the field in commercial growing (excuse the pun). The first eelworm resistant variety but prone to slug damage and scab.
It is the cooking and frying qualities of this potato variety that made it stand out from the rest and is the choice of chip shops - and I'm definitely a chip butty fan... yeah, you too - I know!
A versatile all rounder with dry floury, creamy white flesh and good flavour which generally keeps its colour when being cooked.
Maris Piper is one of the best known and popular potato varieties on sale today because of its versatility, taste and reliability.
Waxy potatoes are firmer and hold their shape. Floury potatoes are softer and break up more easily. The potato varieties mentioned on this web site are suggestions only and there are many more available.
1 is WAXY and 9 is FLOURY Texture
A 5 rating on the waxy-floury scale means it is dual purpose/multi purpose.
http://www.gardenaction.co.uk/images...is%20piper.jpg shows a picture of Maris Piper
Thetubers of the Maris Piper potato are short oval, medium to small with cream skin and cream flesh and a pleasant floury texture, with shallow eyes.
The leaf is medium sized, narrow, with rough primary leaflets with a wavy margin, and has many medium sized cupped secondary leaves with many purple flowers with white tips on a long stalk and an abundance of berries.
This variety is excellent for Boiling, Wedges, Baking and chipping.
'Maris Piper' potato with Google images brings up many pictures