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Old May 30, 2012   #31
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Hickory,North Carolina
Posts: 470

Sure. Crows have almost no defense when on the ground, They waddle or they hop (Thus the term "crow hop") And crows, being smarter than most birds know this.

A bird's wings make a circular movement when they fly and that movement makes a heck of a mess if the moving wing happens to touch a light string. Its kind of like a hula hoop only with fishing line which makes a few loops and then tightens.

You put a stake at each end of a row of seedling corn and string fishing line between them. Not pulled taunt as there has to be enough slack for loops to occur. You can do the same thing to keep other birds from eating your cherries etc but you need to tie loose string to the top line and let it hang. But robins and mockingbirds are not crows. Crows know and won't go under the line.

Crows don't set down without a look out. When something happens to a crow, Soon all the crows in that "murder" will know it or at least there will be one to call a warning if another tries to go into that area. Robins and mocking birds don't have that kind of communication as far as I know though I have an idea pigeons do up to a point. But if you set this up for Robins, your going to catch them. While as I said, I have yet to catch a crow, they see the line and don't come back.

A bird caught like this makes one heck of a racket and is pretty well traumatized by the time it is set free.

Laws in your state may be different than in mine so make sure first !
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Old May 30, 2012   #32
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great, thanks for the info.
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