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July 15, 2014 | #1 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Illinois
Posts: 180
Not Gary'O Sena
These are supposed to be Gary'O Sena, and didn't turn out to be correct But they are super-early for me - I think about 2 weeks earlier than my previous record, so that's kind of cool.
I think the one on the right is ripe, picked the one on the left early. Appear to be red when ripe, 3.5 oz mini-beefsteaks. Potato leaf. Seeds were from Gleckler Seedman in 2011. I grew it once in 2011 or 2012 and they were true to type, but I only got one edible tomato, which was awesome, and didn't save seeds. I decided to grow it again this year, and got this So either this was a stray seed or a cross. If it was a cross, it was with another potato leaf of some sort. Pretty cool. I will let you know how they taste probably tomorrow. Last edited by Chucker; July 15, 2014 at 09:33 AM. |
July 15, 2014 | #2 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Illinois
Posts: 180
Well, I couldn't wait any longer, so I tried it. It tasted like your average home-grown red tomato . It was good, not great, not very complex. Still, it's a nice size for a super early tomato and I will be saving seeds to grow it out next year. We'll see if it's early again next year or if it was just the cold summer we've had this year, and if it segregates at all if it is a cross. |