October 11, 2010 | #1 |
Tomatovillian™ Honoree
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lincoln, NE
Posts: 791
sure, now they set!!!
So far this season - odd at best - my peppers have set 2 - six big berthas which always do extremely well - 2 and they are quite small. First 4 plants were hit with some sort of wilt/blight but slowly recovered and NOW, NOW are setting peppers like crazy - found about 10-12 today - small of course - like extra large peas. The jalapenos did well, the sweet yellow bananas were hit w/ same blight but recovered a little faster. Peppers like cooler weather - our nights are quite cool, day temps have been quite warm, hot actually (91). I figure they have one more week, maybe two but NOW????? piegirl