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kath February 20, 2012 10:52 AM

I can't believe the fruits you've got in there already! You're right about the bug-free zone creating some picture perfect plants alright. Loved your video- your enthusiasm is contagious!

gardengalrn March 3, 2012 10:35 PM

Amazing! I keep thinking that if I worked a little harder I could have a nicer/more productive garden and looking at your pictures (and others here) gives me the motivation. I don't have a green house but I can see there is a lot of work that goes into the results you're getting. Very nice!

ddsack March 4, 2012 09:54 AM

Wow, how amazing to be able to grow in the wintertime and get warm weather crops all year round. Everything looks so beautiful and healthy.

mysidx March 4, 2012 11:29 AM

Job well done, I enjoy your videos as well.....keep it up!

tgplp March 4, 2012 01:02 PM

Wow! What beautiful plants, and a beautiful greenhouse. I can't believe you already have cucumbers and tomatoes! Nice work!

Taryn :D

stromato March 4, 2012 10:36 PM

Nice size for DIY! Is the cover one layer of good quality poly?

Tania March 5, 2012 12:21 PM

So beautiful, both the greenhouses and the fruits. It is amazing what you have done! Having fresh fruits in winter, wow!

Thank you so much for sharing the photos. I will be watching this thread closely and hoping to see ripe tomatoes very soon :)


vagardener434 March 5, 2012 09:14 PM

Thanks folks. I put a lot of work into this, and its paying off. Trying to keep it warm thru the winter is quite a task, but it can be done.

Kath, I try to have fun with it. Video making was a new deal for me, but I feel like I've gotten better at it. I still have a ways to go, but I'll keep trying. ;-)

Stromato, it's double poly with the inflation blower. I have the IR/AC film on the inside, and regular GH 6 mil on the outside.

This is what it looks like now. I've never done raised beds before, but they seem to be working out quite well. The Hastings Prolific corn is 2 foot tall. The Fortex pole beans have made the 9 foot run to the purlin. The cukes are climbing nicely. The squash and zuke are looking great. And I might make a mater or 2. :D



puttgirl March 5, 2012 09:27 PM

I can't see what you use to hold up your cukes and tomatoes on my kindle. Is it stakes and trellising? Very nice!

vagardener434 March 5, 2012 11:25 PM

Thanks. I use polypropylene bailing twine and trellis clips to string up tomatoes and cukes. They are tied to to the purlins. I tried just wrapping the string on the tomatoes and didn't like it. The clips are much faster and easier on the plant, or so it seems. I'll wrap the cukes occasionally, and then put a clip to keep them from sliding down under the weight of fruit.

attml March 9, 2012 04:09 AM

Nice work! You have a great setup and a beautiful garden! Loved the video! Nicely done!


barefootgardener March 9, 2012 11:33 AM

Absolutely beautiful! You have done an amazing job. Wont be long before you have ripe fruit off your mater plants. Seeing the corn growing in your GH this time of year is a stunning sight..
I had Armenian cukes growing and strung up in my Gh, in 2010 and it was a beautiful site to see them grow and hang down, similar to yours..

I will keep following your post to look for more updates.


bluebonnets March 9, 2012 04:26 PM

Really enjoyed the walk through your greenhouse. It's beautiful!

tgplp March 9, 2012 09:00 PM

What size grow bags are you using? Where did you get them?

Again, beautiful plants! I'm jealous. :D


mysidx March 10, 2012 08:22 AM

[QUOTE=tgplp;260428]What size grow bags are you using? Where did you get them?

Again, beautiful plants! I'm jealous. :D


On the first page he says he is using 5 gal. grow bags that he buys in bulk from Discount-Hydro.

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