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PA_Julia July 4, 2012 07:52 AM

Wow!! I'd like to see that myself!!

My bell pepper plants are approx two feet tall and that's after a regimented program of fertilizer and watering after being planted May 11th.
I do, however have five peppers growing on one and four on the other.


[QUOTE=FILMNET;288312]6 FT Tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pepper plant?[/QUOTE]

Mudman July 4, 2012 10:39 AM

Yeah, are these a different kind of pepper or do they just grow like that in your area. The ho and sweet peppers I grow seem to top out at about 3 ft.

chancethegardener July 4, 2012 04:03 PM

[QUOTE=RayR;288271]I don't know about increase in yield, I do have a Nardello that got its top chopped off in an accident, I guess I'll find out.
There is some science behind it, plants produce hormones called Auxins at the growing tip, which filter down the stem, the concentration of Auxins is higher the further up the stem you go and act as a growth inhibitor for auxiliary lateral buds. If the the top of the stem (apical bud) is pruned, that cuts off the supply of Auxins and the inhibiting effect, so the lateral buds start growing into new branches I noticed that effect on my damaged Nardello, the lateral buds neat the top of the broken stem started growing fast.[/QUOTE]

I think the yield increase might be related to stronger root development (stronger roots absorb nutrients better?). Also after pruning, plants shoot multiple branches. Result is thicker stems and more branches with more flowers.

lakelady July 4, 2012 04:30 PM

[QUOTE=FILMNET;288312]6 FT Tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pepper plant?[/QUOTE]

well those are my sentiments as well! Holy cow!

riceke July 5, 2012 10:40 AM

I always prune or top my pepper plants. Either when they are about 6 weeks and at times when they are about 10 weeks. They branch out better and put out more flowers. However if your in a short growing season it does delay growth until the plant recovers. But I don't have real tall plants. They are shorter and wider. A pepper is like any other plant. If you pinch it out it will put out more lateral branches.

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