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KathyDC July 21, 2013 07:11 PM

Congratulations on your first slicer! Does your mystery beefsteak seem like it's going to keep the green shoulders or was that first one picked a little early?

My Pink BTD is stubbornly refusing to ripen. I've only got two clusters of fruit and then the heat hit everything stopped. Pink BTD does not like heat (at least in my garden in this year), not one little bit. Our last heat wave ended nearly two weeks ago and it was looking like PinkBTD might be producing more fruit, but now it's 104-105 again. It's started dropping blossoms again, and those green fruit are not getting bigger, they're just hanging there, taunting me![/QUOTE]

No I believe that one still had a bit of ripening to do. I picked another one yesterday and it had a touch of green on the shoulders but mostly red -- too bad because it's an attractive little brush of green the way it had presented. In any case it's delicious.

Yeah, my green fruit on the should've-been-PBTD definitely don't look like that. They show little evidence of striping like yours do - should've been an early sign that they weren't going to be true, but I just wasn't thinking.

I have a few plants loaded up with big green fruit that also are just sort of hanging there. With all the off and on rain we've had, fungus issues set some of the plants back for a while. The plants that still have greens are Captain Lucky, Grandma Viney's, Aunt Lou's Underground RR, and I think that may be it.


BarbJ July 21, 2013 10:33 PM

Not an expert by any means, but it kinda looks like the fruit from my Marianna's Peace.
Here's a pic, not mine though, just a random picture from the web.


KathyDC July 22, 2013 01:48 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Here's what became of that big Greek Domata that started this post: Made it into a BLT for myself and my other half. Now that's what I call lunch.


efisakov July 22, 2013 02:14 PM

[QUOTE=KathyDC;365514]Here's what became of that big Greek Domata that started this post: Made it into a BLT for myself and my other half. Now that's what I call lunch.


KathyDC, yummy. Pretty looking slices. :yes:

RobinB July 22, 2013 03:06 PM

I'm drooling all over my keyboard! We're having our first BLTs today.

kath July 22, 2013 03:38 PM

[QUOTE=KathyDC;365514]Here's what became of that big Greek Domata that started this post: Made it into a BLT for myself and my other half. Now that's what I call lunch.


Yay! The first BLT of the season is always so exciting! We had our first ones yesterday.:love:


BucksCountyGirl July 23, 2013 03:13 PM

[QUOTE=kath;365552]Yay! The first BLT of the season is always so exciting! We had our first ones yesterday.:love:


Agreed! And the one in the photo above looks drool-worthy. Great job!

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