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Hellmanns August 13, 2016 10:03 AM

Barney bayed a groundhog yesterday afternoon.


Hellmanns August 21, 2016 10:54 PM


Worth1 August 21, 2016 11:13 PM


Worth1 September 14, 2016 03:14 AM


Hellmanns September 14, 2016 08:40 PM

Lucy Lou, watched me fix a pesky blown valve in the irrigation line last week. Well, yesterday afternoon I couldn't find Lucy after I started the pump, so I started looking for her. I found her at the blown valve trying to fix it herself!:))


Hellmanns September 14, 2016 08:44 PM


He's way more crazy than I, Worth. I'm a wuss when it comes to anything above a cayenne.:lol:

Worth1 September 14, 2016 08:54 PM

[QUOTE=Hellmanns;592308]Lucy Lou, watched me fix a pesky blown valve in the irrigation line last week. Well, yesterday afternoon I couldn't find Lucy after I started the pump, so I started looking for her. I found her at the blown valve trying to fix it herself!:))


My friend had three German shepherds that would do that with a water hose.:lol:
The worse thing I ever snorted was Copenhagen.


Hellmanns September 14, 2016 09:02 PM

[QUOTE=Worth1;592311]My friend had three German shepherds that would do that with a water hose.:lol:
The worse thing I ever snorted was Copenhagen.


Yep, not very many bum a dip at work, or if they do it's only once!:cute:

Worth1 September 26, 2016 01:33 AM

Super modern Pier 1 Imports factory.
No way can America compete with this technology.:(

Worth1 September 27, 2016 06:02 PM

After watching this video it makes me wonder where we would be today if we would have continued to develop steam for cars.

Worth1 October 23, 2016 08:00 PM

Worthless lifetime warranties.
Be warned the guy is a wee foul mouthed but the video says it.
He does some really great reviews on all sorts of stuff.


dmforcier October 24, 2016 04:13 PM

That steam car video is really good. Thanks!

Worth1 October 28, 2016 07:34 PM

Best battery pack repair video ever.

cloz October 28, 2016 08:14 PM

I can relate to that repair video!


Worth1 October 28, 2016 09:23 PM

I have a Rigid that has went through 3 batteries so far biggest piece of junk ever.
Got it as a gift and they wont replace the batteries but Home depot has replaced 2 of them for free.
The first set didn't last 6 months.
They have recently gone to a different kind of battery.

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