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Sun City Linda November 26, 2016 02:52 PM

Looking Good Gardenboy!

swellcat November 29, 2016 04:35 PM

Very nice. I might could live on firm fish and juicy tomatoes.

peebee December 2, 2016 01:35 AM

What do you do to your strawberries to make them so abundant and great looking? Any special ferts? Are they in regular pots or self watering? They are beautiful! :yes:
I finally got strong lush plants by putting them in a self watering type container but spider mites have hit them hard. I am not treating them tho. Hoping the colder temps and the recent rains have scared them off a bit.

Gardenboy December 2, 2016 05:40 AM

First time with strawberries. Bought seedlings last year and let them mature for over a year. I transplanted them in 20 gallon containers...3 in each....added some bone meal, wormcastings and some rabbit manure to the hole. Watered. After 2 weeks I fertilize with Espoma Garden-tone and top dress with more rabbit manure. Having good weather also helps. Cooler nights and lower humidity. Tomatoes I do the same except I use Tomato-tone. Last season, we had over 9 inches of rain in Jan. and my plants didn't recover. I usually have tomatoes until Mother's Day. Last year, everything was ruined by February due to fungus and rot from all the rain. Good fruit set now and great weather so far...will wait to see what Mother Nature has in store. :)

jmsieglaff December 2, 2016 11:07 PM

Keep the tomato art coming! My basement growing keeps me from being overly envious of you Florida folks.

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