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nctomatoman February 11, 2009 09:23 AM

I've found that these types seem to like warmer conditions, and they can be slow. Also, take note of the variation in cotyledon (first two "leaves") color, esp. after they get some sun on them - these are still segregating, so there will be some variation. I am going to start mine this weekend and will be planting some of everything I sent out, so you can all compare your results to mine.

WVTomatoMan February 11, 2009 12:13 PM

I received the seeds yesterday. Thanks Craig. I will start them in about 3 weeks.

Good luck everyone.


sirtanon February 14, 2009 12:59 AM

Oooh.. those are some very cool looking peppers!

Warmer conditions, you say? I definitely get that here ;)

Any chance you might be able to send some seeds for 1, 5, and 13a if I send you a SASE?

newatthiskat February 15, 2009 04:45 AM

Alot of my seeds have germinated despite my best efforts to fry them. I am amazed at the different colors of the leaves. I am at work now and will try to figure out how to upload pictures today or Monday. I have only grown tomatoes from seed before. I had attempted 2 previous years at getting germination on peppers but had no luck. I read all the info here and I now have peppers comming out my ears!:surprised: My daughter's Nanday Conure loves dried peppers and I think this year he will be in heaven. Thanks for the encouragment Craig!

gssgarden February 15, 2009 03:10 PM

10 seeds each of Plant 5 and Plant 10 started on the 14th of Feb. Don't know how mant plants I have room for, mabye 1 or two, but...


nctomatoman February 15, 2009 03:31 PM

The nice thing about these peppers are that they are so nice looking you can tuck them into flower gardens, planting boxes - wherever! It allows for lots of growouts! Fit whatever you can, everyone!

I am starting the sweet and hot peppers from the selection projects next weekend, I that I have my main seedling sales plants all started. Dwarf tomatoes get started on March 1. got all of the mundane stuff out of the way...the fun things await!

svalli February 16, 2009 10:16 AM

The seeds arrived today. Three of each kind will go to Jiffy pellets tonight.

One set of plants may stay indoors and one go into greenhouse and one is grown outdoors in containers.

Barbee February 16, 2009 10:32 AM

I got mine planted last night Craig. I'm having very slow germination rates with all peppers this year. Hopefully, I'll have better luck with these (#47 was teeny!).
Thanks again, and I look forward to reading how everyone's peppers are doing.

newatthiskat February 16, 2009 02:56 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Here are some pics of the germinations so far. A this point I have 5 of 10 germinated on plant 07, 7 of 11 on plant 10, 11 of 11 on plant 14, and 11 of 11 on plant 22 but looks like 2 of those might not make it.
I am having different color of leaves come up on plants 14 and 07. two of plant 14 are green leaves while the rest are more purple in nature. on plant 7 2 are more purple and 1 is green. Two are still trying to germinate and have seed coats on so I can't tell yet.
I plan on putting these pepper plants in my 4 different flower beds. I have 2 in front of the house and 2 in back. I think I will probably have room for all that decide to survive seedling stage

nctomatoman February 16, 2009 04:52 PM

As people's seedlings get bigger, I can make some calls as to what sort of seedling color to look for to get the pepper type that you will just be a guess, however, based on what I've seen in the past! Pretty cool pics, Kat!

veggie babe February 17, 2009 12:36 AM

i'm proud of you,we will have peppers and maters if nothing else. great pictures.

Suze February 18, 2009 11:13 PM

[quote=nctomatoman;116397]Here is what I am going to send whom - this post will track all seed distributions (so I will edit it if more are interested)[...]Suze: pepper plant 38, vial 08-90 - seed sent last week.[/quote]

Long overdue - but I did want to note no probs with germination for this one. Split apart and potted up three seedlings about 5-6 days ago.

Craig, how large can I expect these plants to get? May go in either the ground or containers, but that would be helpful to know - thanks. If container, would 3 gal work, or do I need to go larger?

Also, the seedlings are just as purple-leaved as can be. Pretty much turned solid purple as soon as I got them outside in the sun for a couple of days.

nctomatoman February 18, 2009 11:25 PM

I actually put them in half gallon pots - the nice thing about these hots is that they size themselves to whatever they go into....for me, that particular one grew about a foot tall and wide in a very small pot. Hot peppers aren't fussy - they flowered and fruited when crowded 6 to a 4 inch pot!

nctomatoman February 18, 2009 11:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Example of the enthusiasm of these experimental hot peppers to fruit - this is from last year, in a 3 inch plastic pot!

gssgarden February 19, 2009 05:36 PM

Well, one thing for sure, they are faster than the others.

Planted 10 seeds each of Vial #10 and #5, after five days, each has three hunchbacks coming through the soil!!

They beat my Hungarians, bells, jalapenos, eggplant, and my Bhut Jolokia.



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