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gixxerific December 2, 2012 02:16 PM

Tania it's never too early to start anything.:D

I have just over 40 dwarfs growing through the winter. Started from Sept - Nov. Thinking next year I may start even earlier. August perhaps, mainly this is to speed along generations of 'F' class plants. But also cause I have a problem, I love to grow things.

Zana December 2, 2012 02:27 PM

[QUOTE=ScottinAtlanta;313316]There are two things I never regret spending good money on: books and seeds. And seeds require less room on the shelf.[/QUOTE]


I agree....however, it also depends on how many of each you have.

I just moved during the summer. Found that it took 6 2-cube boxes at least to pack up my seed collection....but literally close to a 100 1.5-2-cube boxes to pack up my books. Frankly I lost track of how many boxes I had that were just books....I have close to 800 cookbooks alone...about the same in architecture, design, building code, reference materials, textiles, fine arts....and there is my collection of fiction.

I don't begrudge shelf space to any. But I barely remember when I could keep my seed collection in a shoebox sized box. With close to 600 different tomato varieties alone, that's about impossible. :twisted: And I'm small time in comparison to many on this site. I just wish I had more space to grow out more varieties each year.


Tania December 2, 2012 02:55 PM

[QUOTE=ScottinAtlanta;313316]There are two things I never regret spending good money on: books and seeds. And seeds require less room on the shelf.[/QUOTE]

That's how I feel also! :yes:

Fusion_power December 4, 2012 11:29 AM

My seed collection occupies 3 full baskets in a chest type deepfreeze. This would be roughly equivalent to 25 gallons of seed. I've gotten better about starting plants on time. For 2012, I carefully studied to see which seed most needed to be renewed, then I started seed of all 172 of those tomato varieties. Two weeks later I started seed for the rest of the plants for my main shipping season, about 50,000 of them.


Zana December 4, 2012 02:12 PM

[QUOTE=Fusion_power;313748]My seed collection occupies 3 full baskets in a chest type deepfreeze. This would be roughly equivalent to 25 gallons of seed. I've gotten better about starting plants on time. For 2012, I carefully studied to see which seed most needed to be renewed, then I started seed of all 172 of those tomato varieties. Two weeks later I started seed for the rest of the plants for my main shipping season, about 50,000 of them.


Wow! 50,000? That's a huge undertaking. Just out of curiousity, how long does it take you to plant them all out?


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