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jmsieglaff April 2, 2017 09:26 PM

Thanks Patti! We've got a lot of new to us varieties as well as some favorites. Doing a lot of side-by-side of varieties that are similar. I'm also excited to try Daniel Burson this year.

On the counter are Sunset Flavor Bombs. I like them a good deal, especially for store bought tomatoes. They are quite flavorful, rather tart, nice tomato flavor and a hint of sweetness. Texture is juicy and kinda crunchy. They keep on the counter well. Sold on the truss, so either the truss ripens uniformly or the shelf is quite long. I saved some seeds and may try them some year but not this year.

jmsieglaff April 7, 2017 03:33 PM

April 7, 2017: Will be sowing spinach, peas and radish seeds!

The lettuce, broccoli, kale and onions are in the cold frame. Will be plant those out in a week or two.

Tomato seeds should start poking up this weekend.

HudsonValley April 8, 2017 04:05 PM

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These are my Dwarf Project seedlings -- Adelaide Festival, Firebird Sweet, Summertime Green, Tasmanian Chocolate, and two from the developing "Teensy" family. (They're not actually yellowing in the middle row; the plant light was on when I took the photo.) Super excited! :love:

jmsieglaff April 9, 2017 09:59 AM

Great looking plants! About 1/2 my varieties have started poking up in the last 24 hours! Always exciting to see tomatoes poking up!

jmsieglaff April 12, 2017 09:47 PM

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Soil temps in our raised beds have warmed nicely and the lows are looking favorable, so out went cool season transplants. Clockwise, from upper left: lettuce, broccoli and kale, fall planted garlic, and onions. We sowed spinach, peas, and radishes last Friday.

jmsieglaff April 16, 2017 02:13 PM

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Always exciting to see the first asparagus popping up!

WLeClair April 21, 2017 08:04 PM

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Love seeing all these's my favorite time of year, by far. Early Girl -- showing interesting heart-shape early on. Had a hail storm if you can tell in some of the foliage. Magnus, also, coming along very nicely -- has set about 10 small fruit, thus far. Tiger Tom showing some of its stripes...setting lots of fruit.

WLeClair April 21, 2017 08:07 PM

These look great! Have you grown dwarfs before? I'm growing 6 different ones this year and I've had no fruit set on any yet. Wondering if my climate is just not conducive to setting fruit with the slow growth and temps warming so fast. Keep us posted...I'm strongly considering Tasmanian Chocolate for a trial run next year. Take care.

jmsieglaff April 22, 2017 09:20 AM

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Pepper seedlings found their way up to the patio door this morning. I'll leave them here to get used to sunlight for a few days before they go out to cold frame where they'll spend the next 3 weeks before planting out assuming the weather behaves.

wildcat62 April 22, 2017 09:22 AM

They look great

jmsieglaff April 26, 2017 08:01 AM

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Thanks! The peppers and first batch of tomatoes are in the cold frame. Haven't needed the cold frame the past few days but really will the next 4 as we are expecting clouds, rain 50s for highs and upper 30s for lows.

Spartanburg123 April 26, 2017 02:59 PM

[QUOTE=WLeClair;633479]Love seeing all these's my favorite time of year, by far. Early Girl -- showing interesting heart-shape early on. Had a hail storm if you can tell in some of the foliage. Magnus, also, coming along very nicely -- has set about 10 small fruit, thus far. Tiger Tom showing some of its stripes...setting lots of fruit.[/QUOTE]

Interesting heart shape on the Early Girls! I wonder if it's just environmental. See if all of them look like that, and perhaps grow out next year. I know it's a hybrid, so you will likely get all kinds of variation, but who knows! It's my wife's favorite tomato- she likes 'em tart!


HudsonValley April 26, 2017 03:12 PM

[QUOTE=WLeClair;633481]These look great! Have you grown dwarfs before? I'm growing 6 different ones this year and I've had no fruit set on any yet. Wondering if my climate is just not conducive to setting fruit with the slow growth and temps warming so fast. Keep us posted...I'm strongly considering Tasmanian Chocolate for a trial run next year. Take care.[/QUOTE]

I've only grown Adelaide Festival, but remember from last year that they took quite a bit longer (2 weeks+) than the "advertised" DTM to set fruit and ripen. They were worth the wait! Among this year's seedlings Tasmanian Chocolate seems to be a much taller dwarf than Adelaide Festival, which maxed out at a height of about 3 feet. Firebird Sweet also seems to be really tall. I really wish it would warm up here, so these bigger dwarfs could go out... They're nearing a foot in height, and I've had to pot them up twice.

jmsieglaff May 13, 2017 10:07 PM

Plant out time!!
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The last two days was plant out time! Here are a few pictures, felt great to get another year into the ground and buckets!

Worth1 May 13, 2017 10:29 PM

Everything looks fantastic.:yes:

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