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efisakov June 5, 2016 10:21 AM

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Main tomato beds. It did not find any set fruits yet. hmm:o
Had many blooming a week ago but our temperatures were above 90, I do not think they enjoyed it. Than it rained. Maybe next week we will have something set.

efisakov June 5, 2016 10:24 AM

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There are few potatoes in this container. They have huge tops, I hope bottoms are growing as well.:P

efisakov June 5, 2016 10:27 AM

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efisakov June 14, 2016 07:15 AM

Finally fruits starting to set on few tomato plants.

I was looking at my thread from 2015 and on June 16 we had good size tomatoes on many plants and first tomato was picked on June 25 (not counting cherry). It will be much later this year.:evil:

efisakov June 25, 2016 01:17 PM

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Zucchini covered in DE, ants are all over them. I have the kind of ants that are milking aphids and spreading them everywhere: my tart cherry, cucumbers, dill, zucchini, ...
Next is broccoli... first time growing.

efisakov June 25, 2016 01:26 PM

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Protecting cucumbers, peppers and sweet peas from squirrels digging and cats pooping... at least trying to. Had to replant cucumbers twice. Gave up on peas.

efisakov June 25, 2016 01:39 PM

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Something interesting is happening with many varieties this year. They are probably trying to survive from creasy irregular weather. The number of flowers per cluster seems to be more than usual. See for your self: Cherokee Chocolate, McMurray # 10, Carbon, JD's Special C-Tex and others...
...they have as many flowers as cherry varieties.
Does anyone have the same situation?

ginger2778 June 25, 2016 01:57 PM

I think you are doing things better than ever before, Ella.;)

efisakov June 25, 2016 02:17 PM

[QUOTE=ginger2778;572196]I think you are doing things better than ever before, Ella.;)[/QUOTE]

Thank you, Marsha.
It does not look to me that way. Last year I picked my first ripe tomatoes on June 25th: Biyskaya Roza and Grandfather Ashlock (not counting cherries). I am not even close to picking one. Okra is late as well, thanks to neighbors cats and squirrels. Had to replant it.
Everything is late.
I sprayed few times with dishwashing soap and DE mixture for aphids and other bugs. Will see.
Marsha your mango tree is just gorgeous. Do you grow other types of trees as well?

ginger2778 June 25, 2016 03:06 PM

[QUOTE=efisakov;572199]Thank you, Marsha.
It does not look to me that way. Last year I picked my first ripe tomatoes on June 25th: Biyskaya Roza and Grandfather Ashlock (not counting cherries). I am not even close to picking one. Okra is late as well, thanks to neighbors cats and squirrels. Had to replant it.
Everything is late.
I sprayed few times with dishwashing soap and DE mixture for aphids and other bugs. Will see.
Marsha your mango tree is just gorgeous. Do you grow other types of trees as well?[/QUOTE]

Yes, Starfruit. It loads up very well too. They both seem to like that Citrus, Lime Avocado fertilizer in the orange bag at HD. I just cast it out to the drip line every January. Thank you for the kind words. Biskaya Roza was really early for me too. I like that tomato lots.:)

pinklady5 June 25, 2016 05:46 PM

[IMG][/IMG] I am still in Union County but noticed myself just this morning the parculiar growth. I have a Rebel Yell plant with one truss that has @18 flower buds on it. I hope the image comes up. Haven't posted photos for some time

pinklady5 June 25, 2016 05:56 PM

Well the image didn't come up. But also I am seeing the same for KBX, prudence purple, and Ananas Noire. I have flower buds coming out of flower buds. Never remember seeing such a thing!

greyghost June 25, 2016 06:43 PM

Ella, I think I've noticed the same thing! I've thought a few plants almost
look like they have as many blooms as a cherry. the worst problem I'm having
is a record number of cat-faced fruits. The bottoms almost look like they have
split into quadrants and you can see inside the locules and tiny bumps where the seeds would be. I pulled off a record number of these kind of fruits this year-I hate cutting around disfigurations like these. We're had so many alternating
hot and cold days, very cold nights after planting. I have very few "pretty" tomatoes so far. They're also very late even though the plants are healthy.

Still, there's lots of blooms left so I think we'll both have plenty-we'll just have to
be patient! Good luck! Darlene

pinklady5 June 25, 2016 09:01 PM

[QUOTE=greyghost;572279]Ella, I think I've noticed the same thing! I've thought a few plants almost
look like they have as many blooms as a cherry. the worst problem I'm having
is a record number of cat-faced fruits. The bottoms almost look like they have
split into quadrants and you can see inside the locules and tiny bumps where the seeds would be. I pulled off a record number of these kind of fruits this year-I hate cutting around disfigurations like these. We're had so many alternating
hot and cold days, very cold nights after planting. I have very few "pretty" tomatoes so far. They're also very late even though the plants are healthy.

Still, there's lots of blooms left so I think we'll both have plenty-we'll just have to
be patient! Good luck! Darlene[/QUOTE] Darlene, some of mine are split too.

efisakov June 26, 2016 06:16 AM

I have plenty disfigured fruits as well. Will be something to post on ugly tomato thread.

nancyruhl June 26, 2016 06:50 AM

Ella, I am noticing the same phenomenon here. It has been exceptional hot with only one rain of any consequence in the last month and a half. Most of the plants have had irrigation, so it must be the temperatures.

efisakov June 26, 2016 09:26 AM

[QUOTE=nancyruhl;572374]Ella, I am noticing the same phenomenon here. It has been exceptional hot with only one rain of any consequence in the last month and a half. Most of the plants have had irrigation, so it must be the temperatures.[/QUOTE]

I hope the weather stabilizes and fruits will become of a more consistent form. Never the less, the most important for me is the taste. I am ok with cutting some parts off and using the rest as long as it is delish.
O boy, it is getting hard to wait for the first ripe tomato. I am looking at them every day, sometimes twice a day. They are not growing much in a few hours. Looks like they are not growing at all.:P
Indian Stripe could be the first one.:cute:

daydreamerNJ June 26, 2016 03:35 PM

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I know that feeling of having to wait! My Celebrity tomatoes are growing at snail pace. :lol:

(Sorry picture is side-ways. Not sure how to correct it)

efisakov June 27, 2016 05:47 AM

How do you like the taste of it? I never grew hybrid tomatoes.

daydreamerNJ June 27, 2016 09:37 AM

[QUOTE=efisakov;572714]How do you like the taste of it? I never grew hybrid tomatoes.[/QUOTE]

Haven't tasted these yet. I can't wait! I have to say, this was really resistant to the hot weather and rainy days we were having early May, my other tomato plants didn't survive. It also had early blight on all of them and this was very resistant to it, just had to remove a few leaves here and there but nothing severe. Another thing was the aphid infestation, but now they're under control and I just use my fingers to remove them as I see them.

So, I'm really happy with this type of tomato, I'm definitely going to plant this again next year.

efisakov June 27, 2016 10:28 AM

[QUOTE=daydreamerNJ;572765]Haven't tasted these yet. I can't wait! I have to say, this was really resistant to the hot weather and rainy days we were having early May, my other tomato plants didn't survive. It also had early blight on all of them and this was very resistant to it, just had to remove a few leaves here and there but nothing severe. Another thing was the aphid infestation, but now they're under control and I just use my fingers to remove them as I see them.

So, I'm really happy with this type of tomato, I'm definitely going to plant this again next year.[/QUOTE]

Do you see ants on it. If yes, they are the once that deliver aphids.

daydreamerNJ June 27, 2016 10:53 PM

[QUOTE=efisakov;572783]Do you see ants on it. If yes, they are the once that deliver aphids.[/QUOTE]

The ants love my backyard :yes: I've tried getting rid of them, but nothing works. I've heard Borax does the trick but I just don't know what store sells it in my area.

Worth1 June 27, 2016 11:41 PM

[QUOTE=daydreamerNJ;572507]I know that feeling of having to wait! My Celebrity tomatoes are growing at snail pace. :lol:

(Sorry picture is side-ways. Not sure how to correct it)[/QUOTE]
at least for me if I right click and select view image it goes upright.
Not all do this.


efisakov June 29, 2016 08:13 AM

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Time for lilies. They have being blooming for a while.

efisakov June 29, 2016 08:14 AM

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...more lilies...

efisakov June 29, 2016 08:19 AM

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and more lilies

efisakov June 29, 2016 08:20 AM

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This has to be squirrel munching on my Azoychka.

Ricky Shaw June 29, 2016 08:27 AM

The flowers are a jamboree of color and beauty. The squirrel's future, not so bright.

efisakov June 30, 2016 07:43 AM

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I am just amazed by the size of the plant producing that pepper.

ginger2778 June 30, 2016 07:52 AM

Those lillies are stunningly gorgeous.:)

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