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Crandrew May 30, 2012 10:47 AM

[QUOTE=nicky;278852]The bunny's name is Bunita (Bunny spanish for pretty). She was almost Bunnicula (the vampire bunny), but she's a cuddler. :D

I will definately post pics of her new home when it is built.

The Polish thanks you for the compliments. :) She still doesn't have a name. I was thinking Dolly Part-hen for the beehivish hairdoo. Plus Dolly kind of suits her.[/QUOTE]

Bunita :))

I second the thought of naming the Polish one Dolly Part-Hen :yes: :))

How fun

nicky September 4, 2012 02:52 PM

Good news! Dolly Part-Hen is a mom!!!

Hubby decided a few weeks ago that he would candle a few eggs & see if we could spot anything. So, we left a batch of eggs in the hen house under a couple of the broody Brahmas. After a few days we took the cache of eggs into our bedroom closet & candled them (with a flashlight). One egg looked like it had a speck of something. So, he put it back under one of the Brahmas with a sharpie-X on it. It was the Polish hen – Dolly Part-hen’s – egg.

Last week we were packing the car to head out to the Buffalo-Niagara Tomato Taste Fest & hubby went out with extra food & water to the hen house. He pushed one of the Brahmas aside to collect the eggs – and “peeeeeep peeeeep.” A chick!

So here she (hopefully) is….


She was definately not a newborn when hubby found her & is already very strong. Both Brahmas are mothering her. She sleeps under both of them! The Polish (biological mom) is not allowed anywhere near her. The Brahmas are very protective. Hopefully she will develope her dad’s spots & her mom’s crazy “hair.” We are calling her she in the hopes that she won’t start to crow & have to be separated. Truthfully, if she turns out to be a he – Hubby will build a new little coop for a second flock. (:

kath September 4, 2012 03:42 PM

How cute- and what fun, Nicky! The more the merrier, eh?

Ok, I'm going to ask some 'dumb' questions. I understand the concept of imprinting and that the chick will always think the Brahmas are her mamas, but does the real mama show any recognition of her chick? Can they identify their own chicks by smell or something or does it all depend on what happens at hatching time? And I guess it doesn't matter to the 'mamas' that the chick has an 'odd' look, right? At least that's how "The Ugly Duckling" story goes.:lol:

nicky September 4, 2012 04:02 PM

She definately thinks of the 2 Buff Brahmas as her moms. We also have a dark coloured Brahma who is "allowed" by the moms to come close & check out the chick. She is not allowed to sit on the chick, or hang out more than a few minutes. She seems to act as a babysitter/aunt. It is kind of odd. The dad - Napoleon doesn't come very close, but watches very carefully & is more vocal than usual when anyone is near the hen house.

The Polish hen (biological mom) is the one that they chase away most viciously. I am not really sure if the Polish has seen her or not. She is not a bright bird & often bumps headfirst into the legs of the coop. Possibly her "hairdo" blinds her a bit. She runs around aimlessly occasionally squawking & seeming to be slightly nuts most days. She is the lowest in the pecking order.

The other hens definitely know that she is there & watch her occasionally, but seem to know better than to get too close.

I am curious if the Polish will "know" the chick when it is allowed to mingle with the rest of the flock. I will keep you posted:D

kath September 4, 2012 04:24 PM

The Polish hen (biological mom) is the one that they chase away most viciously. I am not really sure if the Polish has seen her or not. She is not a bright bird & often bumps headfirst into the legs of the coop. Possibly her "hairdo" blinds her a bit. She runs around aimlessly occasionally squawking & seeming to be slightly nuts most days. She is the lowest in the pecking order.

LOL!:))Poor thing- maybe she'll just always find the situation a bit...confusing.:lol:

Zana September 4, 2012 05:23 PM

Congrats and a belated Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby Nicky!


austinnhanasmom September 4, 2012 05:24 PM


If/when we move, I hope to be able to have chickens!

Here, home owner's associations do not allow them.

So, I want to move to a non-HOA area.

The HOA's also do not allow tree houses, and my son is desperate for a tree house...and the husband wants a bigger yard to be away from neighbors...

It's ALL playing in to my hand for chickens :lol:

I love the baby!!

nicky October 5, 2012 04:34 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Some sad news today. Napo, my husbands roo passed away this week.:cry:

I did a little [URL=""]obituary[/URL] on my blog.

He was a fantastic little guy. Really good with the ladies. Keeping the peace & protecting them. You can see the fighting starting already, with the larger ladies trying to beat up the small ones. We will have to get another Roo, but it is hard to replace such a lovely little man.

I am SO glad that we decided to hatch one of his & the Polish's eggs. His little chick is growing very quickly. She is booted, just like him :)

salix October 5, 2012 04:58 PM

Very sorry to hear this news, Nicky. He will leave a large hole in your hearts as well as the coop.

greyghost October 6, 2012 08:57 AM

I'm sorry to hear about this, too. He was a handsome little fellow. A lot of
people don't realize what nice personalities chickens have and what pleasant
interactions small flock chickens have with their owners. I'm glad you have
one of his chicks. Darlene

coronabarb October 6, 2012 01:05 PM

I'm so sorry to hear you lost this special guy! If your pen is not covered to keep owls and hawks out, it would be a good thing to do. Our poultry are an easy dinner for a lot of different wild critters. I worry when one of my turkey hens roosts on top of a structure in their pen, instead of the roost pole. It is too close to the top and I worry an owl could possibly strike through the chicken wire and get her head.

I am being bombarded right now with a family of raccoons visiting nightly...making all kinds of loud noise and screaming. The prints go right up to the doors of both the coop and pen. They are checking to make sure I've closed them.

I asked on a chicken forum what I could bait a trap with that wouldn't draw cats...did catch one cat a few nights ago. Found out that raccoons like sweets...the one in the trap right now went for frosting. I was out last night shooting the garden hose at the group trying to get them to leave and my son was trying to pick them off with the pellet gun. One thing is for sure...if I don't get rid of them, they will figure out how to tear through the chicken wire and get either the chickens or the turkeys.

kath October 6, 2012 02:38 PM

So sorry to hear about Napolean, Nicky- how heart-breaking. Your tribute was beautiful and his legacy will live on.

Redbaron October 6, 2012 04:29 PM

[QUOTE=coronabarb;305924]One thing is for sure...if I don't get rid of them, they will figure out how to tear through the chicken wire and get either the chickens or the turkeys.[/QUOTE]

One word solution, DOG!

remy October 7, 2012 07:50 PM

So sorry Nicky. He was a beautiful bird. I'm glad you have a baby from him though.

nicky November 4, 2013 02:40 PM

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We have a few new hens and a new roo! Really pretty!


Some really interesting coloured Silkies and my hubby's favourites Mille fleur, including a self blue.

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