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nicky March 1, 2017 10:06 AM

Lol! Well, there are no snakes in my coop (so far) and the hens don't peck, unless it is MoMo trying to get my attention. In fact, all but 2 of them like cuddles and hold their wings out, so I can tickle underneath!

How much trouble did you get in for the egg lob at your mom? :twisted:

You wouldn't mind collecting eggs from these ladies, Worth ;)

Worth1 March 1, 2017 10:39 AM

I didn't get in any trouble at all and I had pet chickens and ducks too.


GrowingCoastal March 1, 2017 11:51 AM

The kids, now in their 30's and 40's still remember a Rhode Island Red we had in the mix of Banties and Auracanas that comprised our flock. Big Brownie, the Rhode Is. Red, stole the wiener out of one of the kids' hot dog buns and ran off with it. She was very friendly and would always hang out with or on whoever was outside. Hot dogs were a very rare treat. I wonder how she knew?
Daughter now has chickens with her daughter. Nice to see it go on and to see that if all falls apart at least the kids will know how to survive.

nicky March 1, 2017 12:45 PM

Lol. I am imagining MoMo running away with a hotdog - definitely something that she would do! And yes, we always joke that our family would come running out to our house during a zombie apocolypse! We are pretty self sufficient & my husband is very handy!

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