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jmsieglaff July 14, 2017 11:04 PM

[QUOTE=Spartanburg123;654694]Looks awesome! Never had a Sungold- this will be on my bucket list of growouts![/QUOTE]

You'll never go without it again! Nom nom nom

jmsieglaff July 23, 2017 08:02 PM

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Wanted to share a couple photos of some of the early non-cherry tomatoes. Silvery Fir Tree was 67 DTM, 108 from seed. Jaune Flammee was 70 days, 111 from seed.

Silvery Fir Tree is producing heavily 4-7oz fruits. Juicy, good texture, nice acidic tang and solid tomato flavor. Nothing out of this world, but tasty and early and a beautiful healthy plant. I'd put the flavor at 7.5.

Jaune Flammee is juicy, a huge burst of intense acid and tomato with a subtle sweetness. Plant is a bit sparse, production medium,2-2.5 oz fruits. A lovely orange color, almost looks the size and color of a clementine. A delicious tomato with great texture too 8.5-9.0!

jmsieglaff July 24, 2017 08:59 PM

Got our first Sweeter Yet cucumber yesterday and 4 more tonight! Lunches are sure a lot tastier these days.

Spike2 July 28, 2017 04:14 PM

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Second picking out of the garden today!

jmsieglaff July 30, 2017 08:37 AM

Nice looking harvest! We are having an epic cucumber year. Tomatoes are late but doing very well too.

jmsieglaff August 22, 2017 03:46 PM

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Tomatoes are coming by the bucket full lately. Below is the kitchen counter.

A couple quick notes on some favorites of the year so far.

Black Krim has been incredible, it is always at least very good, but top notch this year.
KBX is back again and I can't see why I won't grow it every year. Just as delicious and more productive than last year.
Crnkovic Yugoslavian is healthy very productive and delicious!
Aunt Ginny's Purple while comparatively more stingy, a smaller plant and a bit more suseptible to Septoria, the fruits are intensely flavored acid and sweet combo and are among the tastiest I've grown.
Garnet cherry and Black cherry are both huge healthy plants that are extremely productive. Both are delicious but Garnet has a touch more intense flavor that edges BC out.

More garden notes reflecting on the season once the gardening work slows down. But for now we'll keep enjoying the boat loads of garden veggies in what has been an excellent gardening year.

Salsacharley August 24, 2017 06:31 AM

Good looking treasure!

Worth1 August 24, 2017 06:45 AM

Looks great, one of the tubs I would make a fresh salsa with.:yes:


jmsieglaff October 24, 2017 09:38 AM

I'll post more as we get into the fall and winter, but the 2017 garden is done. It was a very good year in most regards--best year I've had for cucumbers and also excellent for tomatoes and peppers. I found a couple varieties this year that I grew for the first time that will definitely be back in the future.

Chesnok red garlic was planted Sunday so I guess the 2018 garden has already begun!

Hope everyone has had a great summer and fall of gardening.

jmsieglaff October 25, 2017 11:21 AM

Just dumping some tomato thoughts from 2017, hope some might find it interesting/useful. Not commenting on every tomato I grew....but interesting tidbits.

Garnet Cherry: great flavor, extremely vigorous plant and extremely productive. Lasted til the end. Fruits are a little smaller than Sungold.

Black Cherry: also great flavor, yet different than Garnet. Similar in that it was extremely vigorous and extremely productive and lasted to the end. Fruits are little larger than Sungold.

I will grow both of those again in the future, if I only grow 1 of those next year, it will be a tough call on which. Very little negatives to either of them.

Jaune Flammee: Not the most vigorous plant, with medium production, but the flavor is simply wow. A favorite of mine and my son. This will be back, will try another spot in the garden as well.

Earl of Edgecomb: Solid tomato, medium vigor and production, didn't wow, but didn't disappoint.

KBX: Brought it back in 2017 after first growing in 2016. It will be back in 2018. Tremendous flavor and decent production for such a large beefsteak. THE tomato for BLTs IMO.

Daniel Burson: One of the earlier ones to subcomb to foliage issues, but very productive flavorful tomatoes. Liked Black Krim a bit better, but this had better production.

Crnkovic Yugoslavian: Healthy, vigorous plant, good production of tasty tomatoes. Lasted to the end. This was used as a mother in a cross with JF--those two blossoms took and I'm pretty sure I emasculated them early enough, so I'm looking forward to that cross!

Aunt Ginny's Purple: A bit sparse, moderate vigor plant, low production, but an absolutely delicious tomato--intensely sweet and acidic.

Blush: Another back from 2016, extremely productive, beautiful and delicious.


2017 June and July was very wet by me and never very hot, which resulted in the biggest crop of cucumbers we've ever had. Which tells me, in hotter and drier conditions, I need to be watering my cucumbers more often.

Another fail at fall spinach. Ugh. Does anyone do spinach starts indoors and set out for a fall crop?

MissS October 25, 2017 12:58 PM

Thanks for sharing your great reviews! I value your opinion very much.

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